The Bunker Group
I think you mean "to circumvent"...
It's a myth. There is no such a thing as The West separated from the Global South or whatever. China, the champion of non-aligned coutries has companies listed on the NYSE. Russia had companies listed on the NYSE. And if not, every broker can give you access to most of stock exchanges around the world. Everybody is trading with everybody and using the same system. This system is not "dominated by the US" or "by the West". This is an intellectual construct with no basis in reality.
Thanks for pointing the mistakes, yes should be circumvent, seems the spelling check change that.
Congratulations to understand all Global market is connected. However it is also not myth on seperate market. They are interconnected, but also they are seperate on political control. Those Global South still want market that are not politically control by Western politicians. moreover after all geopolitics situation happened.
Yes the system should only be control by Market, however now (like SWIFT and other USD dominate market instruments) shown can easily control by political whims. That's what the Global South players realise, there're no markets that immune from political overules. For that they want market system that have alternative control by them.
You are mixing market interconnectivity and market control. Latest political intervention to market system by Western politicians shown there are no ideal market free from political whims. Seems you don't understand why Western politicians that drove alternative market, from current Western dominate ones. It will not going at par with Western ones soon, but Western Politicians just make push it sooner then many market players expectations before.
You are only looking from Western political perspectives, so that's why you don't understand why the drive to find alternative from Non Western players. Again don't mix interconnectivity between markets and the need for their desire to control their own market. They don't mind to use Western market as long as it is beneficial for them. However when they see the market can be use as weapon to whoever Western political establishment deemed as 'anti West's, then they decided the need for alternative system has arise.What happened since 2022 was that some countries, so called "The West" applied sanctions on Russia while others chose to ignore these sanctions and the crime commited by Russia. Then some intellectuals decided that those who ignored sanctions formed an anti-West, anti-US coalition with Russian (or China) as their leader. It's not true. All these countries are part of the global world just like us. Even better: Hungary is part of the West and chosed not to apply sanctions.
The market whether present Western Dominate ones and emerging Non Western markets will continue keep interconnectivity. However the Non Western market will continue their drive to build alternative system that are not under control Western political establishment. Big Banks in West already warned Western politicians on this, seems you believe the different perspective. Perspective that's seems more influence by Western political establishment. Well will see whose right.
No you can take your money from Russia. Those Russian that stay outside Russia for long time like in Bali or Phuket show that. However it will not be in USD or Euro or other currencies that their financial market close the connection to Russia Financial Market. However there are no problem to get your fund outside Russia using currency that the financial markets still open to Russian ones. So you use Yuan, Rupee or UAE Dhirham as Shanghai, Mumbai and Dubai still open trade with Moscow market.If you want to invest in Russia and take money out, it's impossible. Companies have to apply for a quota of dollars that they can transfer abroad to pay for imports. There is no free currency market in Russia. No free transfer of money in or out of the country ("in" only from countries not applying sanctions).
Like I said, if you looking on perspective only Western currencies, then yes or is not easy to take that from Russian market, because they are closing to each other. However that doesn't mean you can't take out your capital or trade income from Russia, it is just not on Western currencies.
No, again the drive is not because Russian-Ukrainian war. The drive is because Global South did not want their capital and market become hostages to Western political whims. Non Western market players are loosing confidence on Western Market supposedly neutral from Poltical Intervention. You will never understand that as long as you only see on the eyes of Western Political benevolence.That trades with Russia is now forced to be done without USD and outside SWIFT doesn;t mean that all of a sudden many countries are going to use an alternative finanacial world because nobody feel an urgent need to circumvent the existing system. they can all raise their hand with Lavrov. Next day they will shake their hand with Biden or Sholtz with the same smile.
All this talk again shown how Russian market is not crumbling, or become worthless and their economy is failing. Remember all that's is your claim. Then again you also understand that Russian still trading with Non Western players, heck even some Western players still trade with Russian. Not a sign of failing economy as you claim.
Russia economy is also not on full War Time Economy yet. They are in Import Substition Economy, thus most of their products is not for War Effort, but more on producing goods to substitute import. Off course Western Media and Think Tank say otherwise. However if they are only doing production for War Effort, then there are already run down on consumers products.
That's not happening as asside Import from China, they are also manage to produce Import Substition from mostly Western products. Not saying their Import Substition manage to replace all imports, but also shown their economy is not in overall war products economy as Western sources said. I said this because there are enough import data from China and India that shown Russia import capital goods to increase their own domestic production.

US has failed to counter Russia’s import substitution strategy - Asia Times
On February 8, drowned out by the flood of commentary that followed his interview with Tucker Carlson, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the Kremlin

Again not saying Russia economy in good place already, however also not failing for foreseable future yet.
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