The Russian-Ukrainian War Thread


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141 votes for the resolution, 35 abstentions (including China) and 5 votes against.

I wonder if this will be reported in Russian state media, or if it will be swept under the carpet with just a reference to the statements of Russia and cronies who spoke against it?
I'm sort of surprised to see Serbia on there voting yes and not abstaining from the vote, even with reasons for them to do so from what happened during the 90's. They haven't joined in on the sanctions however, and won't. Can't seem to find English subtitles to this address anywhere, but my Serbian friend said he was very pragmatic and open about his feelings.



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I have trouble seeing what a 'win' can look like for Mr P, as does this commentator - Putin Loses No Matter How This Plays Out, But We Might Too - War on the Rocks He attributes Putins poor judgement down to hubris, though I feel there is more to it than that…
We have to see the up coming battles for what they are. The war has entered its 7th day. I don’t want to view the urban fights with a view on the political angle only. Reading @billroggio on the Russian invasion of Ukraine is depressing. But, Bill is giving us a sober look at Russian advances and Ukrainian defeats.

Kherson, a city of nearly 250,000 people (just north of Crimea), fell in day 6. After seasawing back and forth with a Ukrainian motorized infantry battalion defending the city against a large Russian force. This is the first major Ukrainian city to come under Russian control since the invasion.

Meanwhile, on 2 Mar 2022, it was reported that the key Ukrainian port city of Mariupol was "near to a humanitarian catastrophe" after more than 15 hours of continuous bombardment by Russian forces, the city's deputy mayor noted. "The Russian army is working through all their weapons here - artillery, multiple rocket launch systems, airplanes, tactical rockets. They are trying to destroy the city," Serhiy Orlov said. Russian forces have surrounded the port city of Mariupol, which is on the Sea of Azov. Outside of Mariupol, the Russians now control all coastal areas of the Sea of Azov. Russia is strangling Ukraine's access to the seas.

Even as Russian Army losses add up, the real fight for Ukraine’s survival starts now and the horrors of war will be plain to see.
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Firstly, apology if this is a stupid question. Is the Ukraine Air Force still operational and if so what capabilities does it have left?


The Bunker Group
Is the Ukraine Air Force still operational and if so what capabilities does it have left?
I don't think it is a stupid question. They already being hit hard, there's no question about it. The Ukranian source claim most of their fighters still in working conditions, but personally I doubt that.

I believe they still have working AB in western part, until few days ago they still using some Su-25 for ground attack. However for last couple of days don't find reliable evidence that they still provide aerial cover for their ground force anymore.


I don't think it is a stupid question. They already being hit hard, there's no question about it. The Ukranian source claim most of their fighters still in working conditions, but personally I doubt that.

I believe they still have working AB in western part, until few days ago they still using some Su-25 for ground attack. However for last couple of days don't find reliable evidence that they still provide aerial cover for their ground force anymore.
Thanks for that. So would they be used to harass the Russian convey outside Kyiv?

Rob c

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Thanks for that. So would they be used to harass the Russian convey outside Kyiv?
Possibly, if they had anything left. What must be remembered in this conflict is that with any war The first casualty of any war is the truth. So what they still have and what they can do with it is at this stage is a great unknown


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Ukrainian positions in Kiev.

More Russian infiltrators, allegedly smuggling a dozen rounds inside a teddy bear?

The Forward Observation Group is apparently in Kiev.

Explosions in Kiev, circumstances unclear.

Around Kiev.

Reports 14 Ukrainian territorial defense fighters killed, allegedly in a protracted friendly fire incident at Vail'kovo, inside a local school that's apparently a staging area for them. Note, we still have no sign of the Russian landing that allegedly took place there. It's possible they died fighting Russian troops in the area. It's also possible there was no landing and friendly fire incidents took place that led to a premature reporting of a Russian landing. Warning graphic footage.

A Ukrainian territorial defense fighter taken prisoner in village Kopylov near Kiev says they didn't require any paperwork or signatures to join the territorial defense. He also claims their unit of territorial defense had no weapons.

Baryshevka near Kiev, another bridge blown, presumably by Ukrainian forces.

The North.

Chernigov, a Ukrainian T-64BV, allegedly hit by artillery.

Battle damage in Chernigov.

Russian troops captured an Osa SAM in Chernigov area. Those sure are some nice cranes. Too bad they weren't available to haul away the much more modern Pantsyr abandoned recently. Good thing they're available for hauling away antiquated Soviet SAMs as trophies... :rolleyes:


A strike hit military housing, Kharkov area.

Trostyanets, Sumy region, a troop column enters a local confectionery factory. The lack of white paint and what appear to be BMP-1s, make me thing these are Ukrainian forces.

Ukrainian artillery firing, Sumy region and subsequently destroyed.

A large explosion in Sumy.

Artillery officers school in Sumy got hit.

National Police HQ/SBU building in Kharkov got hit. There are unconfirmed reports that Ukrainian MVD had a unit based in there and they got hit.

Explosions near the Kharkov TV tower.

Territorial defense HQ in Kharkov got hit.

An empty factory in Kharkov got hit by a missile strike. It may have been home to a Ukrainian territorial defense HQ, after their last HQ got hit.

Russian troops in Balakleya, south of Kharkov. This opens the road to Izyum and Slavyansk.

What sound like airstrikes near Izyum.

Looting continues in Kharkov.



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Unconfirmed reports of clashes in Voznesensk, north-north-west of Nikolaev. If true it might indicate that an envelopment of Nikolaev is under way. Allegedly a bridge in Voznesensk was blown by either Ukrainian troops or demolished by locals.

Russian Mi-8AMTSh helos over Odessa region.

A radar got hit in Odessa airport.

Russian troops in Kherson have taken down Ukrainian flags and handed them over to the locals.

Russian troops sweeping Kherson, presumably old footage.

Russian troops in Kherson, unclear when.

Battle damage in Kherson at the SBU building.

Ka-52s and Mi-28Ns heading towards Nikolaev.

A Russian 11356 frigate has been spotted off the coast of Odessa.

Russian ships off the western coast of Crimea.

Russian troops crossing into Kherson region. 1st link has what appears to be SpN or SOF (SSO). The vehicles with the red box, painted over in white, second link, are Military Police.

Reports of a misfired SAM falling on residential areas in Dachnoe village near Odessa.

A burning ship near Nikolaev after being hit by a missile (?). Unclear what the circumstances are.


Russian troops fired warning shots, and then Tucha smoke grenades to scatter locals blocking a Russian column. According to the camera man, someone had their leg ripped off by the impact. This is of course entirely plausible as even without explosives the grenade is a relatively large high speed projectile.

Destroyed Ukrainian Humvee, truck, and MT-12 Rapira AT gun.

Russian troops in Vasilevka, Zaporozhye area.

Russian Troops in Kamenka-Dneprovskaya, Zaporozhye region.

10 individuals were captured by a mob in Melitopol', allegedly for looting, were tied to trees and beaten.

A destroyed, allegedly Ukrainian, tank from the 53rd Mech Bde, Prokhorovka.


A map of Russian and rebel forces near Mariupol'.

Fighting in Mariupol'.

Volnovakha has fallen, the only significant town between Mariupol' and Donetsk. You can see 2 destroyed T-64BVs, two destroyed BMPs, and several destroyed trucks. One of the BMPs is a BMP-1, the other I can't tell.

Ukrainian POWs taken in Volnovakha. They apparently received orders to stay put, and were consequently captured after losing many KIA and WIA.

More Ukrainian POWs near Volnovakha being made to say Glory to Russia.

A rebel fighter in Volnovakha wearing the ISIS Hunters patch. This might indicate Russian PMCs are operating inside the rebel ranks.

Two destroyed Ukrainian T-64BVs near Mariupol'.

Two captured Ukrainian T-64BVs near Shirokino, Black Sea coast east of Mairupol'.

LDNR Front.

A map of the front near DNR areas. Note the impending encirclement.

Shellings of Donetsk continue.

Something burning in Lisichansk.

Artillery landing in Lisichansk, near a beer brewery.

Shelling in Lisichansk.

Battle damage in Lisichansk.

Ukrainian positions captured by the rebels, taking Novoaydar. We can see a BRDM-2 damaged and abandoned, a BTR-60PB, likely in non-working condition, a Ukrainian Varta armored car, an imported Saxon armored truck, and a T-64BV mod'17. Also a GAZ-66. On the road we see another GAZ-66, likely damaged, and two BTRs, either 70 or 80, also Ukrainian. Note there's a white Z painted on the front of the two abandoned BTRs. Rebels have taken to paiting white Zs on abandoned Ukrainian vehicles so friendly troops moving around don't accidentally destroy them. However the camouflage and setting give me confidence that the vehicles are Ukrainian. There is also a second T-64BV, this one still original Soviet (note the Luna-2 IR projector). Based on the title of the photos, it's supposedly also Ukrainian and captured by the rebels, but it's hard to tell. The paint scheme is non-distinct and it could well be a rebel T-64BV.

Destroyed Ukrainian BMP-1 and ammo truck in Volnovakha.

Destroyed Ukrainian BRDM-2, location unknown.

A distinctive looking T-72B, DNR forces.

Rebel forces demonstrate flags captured from Ukraine's 36th Marines.

Rebel forces in Nikolaevka.

Mobilized rebel forces in Nikolaevka. Note the lack of body armor, and the way they look. They will likely be used for rear security.

Rebel forces in Shirokiy region.

A local in Novoaydar seemingly supportive of being part of the LNR, though he's pretty vague.

The West.

A looter caught in Zhitomyr.



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Chechen National Guard, speaking Russian with an accent, directing civilians away from combat areas in Ukraine. For my money it looks like a staged photo-op rather then real assistance.

1)A special purpose Tigr variant, Belgorod region.
2) Russian Buk-M1-2 Belgorod region.
3) Assorted Russian troops, Belgorod region.

A Russian BM-21 was molotov cocktailed, presumably the vehicle was abandoned. The resulting detonation destroyed a near-by building.

Captured NLAW and SMAW-D, location unknown.

An abandoned fuel truck, presumably Ukrainian.

The hunt for Russian infiltrators continues.

The Ukrainian flag at the Ukrainian embassy in Moscow has been lowered.

Another example of a Ukrainian APC edited to look like a Russian one, by removing the Ukrainian flag and adding the Z marking. Personally I'm not sure why they bother. There's enough footage of undeniably Russian vehicles like BTR-82s Tigrs, T-72B3Ms, T-80BVMs, etc.

A destroyed tank, allegedly Ukrainian, not sure how anyone can tell. Location unknown.
A destroyed Ukrainian BRDM-2, location unknown.

Humanitarian aid to be shipped to Ukraine from Belgorod area.


A Russian Il-76 carrying nuclear fuel landed in Slovakia.

German RPGs have arrived in Ukraine.

Allegedly 14 Ukrainian service members from the French Foreign Legion were detained because they were planning to leave France and join the fighting in Ukraine.



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There have also been problems for ethnic Greeks and Greek expats in Odessa and Mariupol (from Australian site for those of Greek heritage in the Anglosphere -- some articles over-the-top anti-Ukranian, some extremely pro-Ukrainian, occasionally more balanced with less polemic.)

These are rather on the wild side and include highly dubious rumors heard by ethnic Greek Ukrainians, but some useful info:

Via AFP, the Greek embassy in Kiev reported (incident happened 24 Feb):
"As tensions over an invasion ran high earlier this month, a Greek expatriate died in a clash in eastern Ukraine which Athens blamed on Ukrainian soldiers.Two other ethnic Greeks were injured, the Greek foreign ministry said."

Ten ethnic Greek civilians have reportedly been killed by Russian bombing in Mariupol.

EDIT: For those who have newly taken an interest in this conflict, there are around 100,000 ethnic Greeks in Ukraine (Greece says slightly more, Ukraine says less), mainly in Donetsk Oblast. As best I can tell, about 90% are Hellenistic Ukrainian citizens and about 10% expats/newer immigrants. For a quickie wiki history of Greeks in Ukraine:

As for Greeks in Greece, and those of Greek heritage in the West, this must wrenching, as they tend to side with their Orthodox brothers, but at the same time Greece is a NATO country siding against Russia and Greeks are also outraged at the invasion. Could explain the rather schizo one-extreme-or-the-other nature of the articles on that site.
This website seems shady as hell. Their "about section" is poorly and unprofessionally written. They are a very new entity (from 2021), literally no info on them whatsoever online, media bias/fact check website doesn't even list them (yet). Very bad website design, as if aesthetics were an afterthought.

Pretty sus to me.
After a little digging, theres no other corroboration. This ones goes back in the maybe pile. I presume any good support would have to come from Greek social media, and I don't speak the language.


Well-Known Member
Those students closer to Kyiv where also racial targeted and beaten up Ukrainen armed forces.
It was not only Indian nationals but other [non white] foreign nationals. Some were also manhandled at the Polish border; whilst another group had a rifle pointed at it. Unless I'm mistaken all or most of these incidents involved Ukrainian security personnel; rather than military.

This is exactly the case though. There are already hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians who fled westward. By the time this is done, it will be millions. And these aren't migrants, these are refugees. Most will want to return given the chance.
Sorry, I was referring to pro Russian exiles which could easily be used to form a puppet government; as opposed to Ukrainians who have fled the country because of the invasion.

Interesting footage here; including abandoned Grads.

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Rob c

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
One question has been brought to my attention when when looking around other sights is why did the russians invade at this time of the year? My understanding is that the Ukrainian frozen ground has already or is about melt, which will stop any cross country travel. It may have already started to melt which may be the reason for some of the gridlock seen on satellite images. Or did the Russians just expect to drive in and take over the country, with little opposition. It just seems strange as the Russian's would be very use to these conditions.


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One question has been brought to my attention when when looking around other sights is why did the russians invade at this time of the year?
I am by no means certain, my best guess, would be:

(i) the international politics factor — avoid a start during China’s hosting of the Winter Olympics & the wait till Russia was chairman on UNSC;

(ii) the logistics system reporting failure and purchasing corruption factor — where the log tail is inadequate to meet the front, and the failure of the Russian Army to report to Putin actual logistics difficulty and the unit level preparedness problems found, when the force was staged for invasion — eg. Military trucks and 8x8s need to be turned over and moved once a month for preventative maintenance reasons. I suspect the Russians, at garrison were not doing proper and regular maintenance to begin. To compound matters, they bought cheap Chinese tyres that were not properly turned over and moved, leading to loss of off road capability; and

(iii) lastly, Putin’s over confidence, systematic intelligence failure by the Russians on the actual fighting capability of the Ukrainians.
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Capt. Ironpants

Active Member
After a little digging, theres no other corroboration. This ones goes back in the maybe pile. I presume any good support would have to come from Greek social media, and I don't speak the language.
I noted it was pretty wild!

The first story appears to have been lifted from the Greek newspaper site Proto Thema:

About Proto Thema:

- - -
The second story appears to be based on a tweet showing a Skai TV segment. I don't speak or understand Greek, except a few words and phrases, but know the alphabet just well enough to read things like names, easy words I know, etc. It appears the talking head in the top middle box is the Mr. Kiouranasis named in the article and purportedly in Mariupol (name of city is under his name which I suppose would be spelled something like ΜΑΡΙΟΥΠΟΛΗ in all caps in Greek). As best I can make out, the moderator in the top left box was apparently decrying Russian propaganda and then Mr. Kiouranas went off on him. I can't understand what he is saying at all. (Maybe we have some who speak Greek here?) So I can't verify whether the translation in the story is correct.

News segment in question posted on official Skai TV You Tube channel.

So, what's Skai TV? Best I can make out, it was pretty yellow back in the early 1990s when first launched, has changed hands several times, and is now more respectable. From wiki: "On 1 April 2006, the company that originally launched Skai TV bought Seven TV, a holder of a Greek National broadcasting license that failed to expand its coverage all over the country or attract a wide audience. The station was renamed to 'Skai TV' allowing the brand to re-emerge on the Greek television scene after 7 years, but this time the owners decided to forgo their previous approach and opted for high-quality foreign shows and valid news coverage. On 6 September 2007, Skai TV was added to the lineup of NOVA Greece digital platform. On 2 March 2016, Skai TV launched its own high-definition feed. On 2 September, the network won one of four national television licenses auctioned in Greece after Iannis Alafouzos paid €43.6 million in a highly unusual competitive bidding process."

The part you enjoyed about the Norse Mythology, etc. sun symbols, etc. earlier was lifted from an old piece from 2014 in The Guardian (I recall reading it back then):

First photo is an Adobe stock image:

Second photo is hot-linked (!) from RT (and according to Tin Eye, this photo has really proliferated):

Who in turn lifted copy from USA Today:

- - -
Third story is mainly lifted from All Jazeera:

First photo is a Getty, from 24.02.2022 used several times by BBC, also Moscow Times, etc.

Second photo has been used many times by BBC beginning 25.02.2022.

Third photo lifted from Al Jazeera:

- - - -
Fourth story was mainly lifted from Ethnos, a Greek newspaper established in 1913, now web-only:

First photo is from Ethnos article sbove. Second photo is BBC/Getty, of strike on Irpin TV station 2 March 2022. Next, the Twitter stuff, who knows? Third photo is from BBC, residential building in Irpin, 2 March. Fourth photo is from BBC, labeled as handout photo from the press office of the State Emergency Services of Ukraine showing a fire in a building at the Security Services of Ukraine (SBU) after shelling in Kharkiv 2 March.
- - -

So yeah, the site is pretty amateurish, and the way they lift images from other news sites is dodgy. They lift lots of copy from other news sites, obviously, but at least give attribution. I can't find any intent to fake anything. They might get suckered in by Twitter hoaxers, but then again, so have major news outlets. It's hardly a bastion of award-winning journalism, just a goofy site for English speakers of Greek heritage to get news about Greek stuff, it looks to me like.

This website seems shady as hell. Their "about section" is poorly and unprofessionally written. They are a very new entity (from 2021), literally no info on them whatsoever online, media bias/fact check website doesn't even list them (yet). Very bad website design, as if aesthetics were an afterthought.

Pretty sus to me.
Yes, new and amateurish. See above. Doesn't appear to have been set up as a dreaded "Russian troll site" though. Probably youngish Greek expats run it, aren't very professional, but well-enough meaning and trying to make a buck. People of Greek heritage in the US do a really good job of forming tight communities and preserving aspects of their culture, and I wondered how Greeks in Greece are viewing this, and Greek expats/those of Greek heritage in other parts of the world are. Large Hellenistic community in Ukraine is getting bombed by Russians and it's known Ukrainian nationalist types whip up on them. Talk about stuck between a rock and a hard place. I don't speak Greek, and this site popped up in an internet search, so .... Maybe there's a better Greek-oriented site in English somewhere?


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Speaking of the Azov fighters, they have a special welcome for the Chechen Kadyrovtsy fighters. They're coating their bullets in bacon fat (pork) so that the Kadyrovtsy (Muslim) will be unclean and unable to enter paradise. Whether this will put the Kadyrovtsy off is another story.

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Active Member
Speaking of the Azov fighters, they have a special welcome for the Chechen fighters. They're coating their bullets in bacon fat (pork) so that the Chechens (Muslim) will be unclean and unable to enter paradise. Whether this will put the Chechens off is another story.

One thing to fix (it insults Chechens a lot) - these are Kadyrovtsy (soldiers of Kadyrov), not ordinary Chechens, as a lot of ordinary people consider Kadyrov as a terrorist and afraid of him a lot.
There was a video where a Chechen guy claims, that he came to Ukraine by the request of the Ichkeria government to fight Kadyrovtsy.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of the Azov fighters, they have a special welcome for the Chechen fighters. They're coating their bullets in bacon fat (pork) so that the Chechens (Muslim) will be unclean and unable to enter paradise. Whether this will put the Chechens off is another story.

Azov are a double win for Ukrainians.
They are a nuisance which Ukraine will have to get rid of at some point. War is one such way.
They are also very motivated fighters.

And since it's on Ukraine's turf, chances of them committing atrocities are low.


Well-Known Member
One thing to fix (it insults Chechens a lot) - these are Kadyrovtsy (soldiers of Kadyrov), not ordinary Chechens, as a lot of ordinary people consider Kadyrov as a terrorist and afraid of him a lot.
There was a video where a Chechen guy claims, that he came to Ukraine by the request of the Ichkeria government to fight Kadyrovtsy.
Ahh yes, Ukraine is now the battle royale playground for Russian ethnic groups.