The Russian-Ukrainian War Thread


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Where are these "democratic" countries? I know mine (the Netherlands) certainly isn't one of them. Our rules are made in Brussels by people we don't elect, and when we do get asked the answer gets ignored if it displeases our "betters"!
That's because the Netherlands voluntarily joined the EEA and EU. The rules apply to everyone the same - if you don't like being in the EU, you can elect a government that will leave.

The Netherlands is a democratic country, but that doesn't mean minorities can insist on policy changes. Having functioning government means that sometimes people like yourself have to accept you don't get your way. Even then you still have rights Russians don't. You can form political parties or join ones in opposition to the Dutch government. You can protest or criticise the government without worrying about being arrested and thrown in jail.

In short, I'm not sure you appreciate the freedoms you have because you're so used to them.


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Russia has banned all British flights over Russia, sure more is to come. Keep in mind Russian airspace saves thousands, upon thousands of dollars per flight whilst using it's territory to link flights to Asia. If they shut off that air-corridor to most of the west, it will be more costly than people think.

Apparently Poland sent in a convoy of trucks to Ukraine.

From all I can tell, the war is going largely well for Russia today.


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At Kherson an area has been nicknamed the highway of death, where apparently across 15kms of road there are destroyed Russian and Ukrainian vehicles. As far as I can tell it was a giant Ukrainian column that was hit. The video I have doesn't show any destroyed vehicles I can positively identify as Russian but the cameraman says there is abandoned Russian equipment as they are driving by. At one point you can see a clearly Russian BRDM-2 and truck with a ZU-23-2, apparently still in tact, parked some distance off the road. There are people looting the vehicles already. Towards the middle of the video there are some intact Ukrainian BRDM-2s and BMP-2s, that the cameraman comments are abandoned. In the later part they pass another large column of vehicles, that I assumed to be Ukrainian since there are some newer KrAZ trucks in there, a lot of older Soviet trucks, and a couple of T-64BVs towards the front of the column. On the approach to the Antonov bridge there is a MBT literally blown to pieces, I can't identify it. On the bridge a destroyed fuel truck, and bodies. Past the bridge I see what looks like a T-64BV and a MT-12 Rapira gun, other things hard to make out, possibly a Ukrainian position.

The driver and passenger, brave souls, decided to check for themselves whether the road to Kherson is open.

EDIT: On the subject of destroyed vehicles, note that despite the huge amount of destruction visible, the kind of scale that makes an impression and gets caught on social media, we can see a total of 4 lost MBTs, only 1 we can confirm destroyed the others might be damaged or abandoned.


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Operational information at 16:00 on 25.02.2022 regarding the Russian invasion

The Russian occupier continues the offensive operation against Ukraine in previously selected areas with the support of long-range operational and tactical aircraft and the use of high-precision long-range weapons.

Groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine together with the Territorial Defense Forces hold the defense of Kyiv and previously defined borders.
The enemy insidiously inflicts air and artillery strikes on civilian infrastructure.
The occupying forces continue to suffer losses in personnel and equipment.
Since the beginning of the invasion of the Russian Federation by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the following have been destroyed:
tanks - up to 80,
armored combat vehicles of various types - 516,
helicopters - 7,
aircraft - 10,
cruise missiles - up to 20,
automotive equipment - more than 100,
personnel - more than 2800 people.

@KiwiRob Do you find this funny? Would you like a holiday from here? It can be easily and quickly arranged. Such disrespectful conduct is unacceptable. Do it again and you will get such a holiday.

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New Member
The Russian Warships and Submarines are taking positions just outside of the major Ukraine Ports (Odessa, Mariopol) and will start firing cruise/ballistic missiles at all targeted military installations. Thus far reports indicate that Russia has used 1/5th of the troops that they amassed on Ukraine's borders, which means out of the reported 200,000 only 30.000-45,000 soldiers have participated in the initial assault. Some generals are speculating that Russia will bring in additional troops during phase two which will be after the capture of Kiev alongside additional units to push from the Dnieper River and the south. Currently there is ongoing combat in multiple districts within Kiev and additional Russian Armored/Artillery units are making their way towards the city as well.

@Hannibal88 Video links removed because they are propaganda.

You have made some claims and haven't provided reliable verifiable sources. In future posts from 0700Z (GMT / UTC) 26 FEB 22 you are required to do so.

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Active Member
The Russian Warships and Submarines are taking positions just outside of the major Ukraine Ports (Odessa, Mariopol) and will start firing cruise/ballistic missiles at all targeted military installations. Thus far reports indicate that Russia has used 1/5th of the troops that they amassed on Ukraine's borders, which means out of the reported 200,000 only 30.000-45,000 soldiers have participated in the initial assault. Some generals are speculating that Russia will bring in additional troops during phase two which will be after the capture of Kiev alongside additional units to push from the Dnieper River and the south. Currently there is ongoing combat in multiple districts within Kiev and additional Russian Armored/Artillery units are making their way towards the city as well.

Funny thing, I have seen the report that they deployed up to 2/3 of the whole group. I suppose it is a bit hard to estimate how much they have really used and how much have really participated in combat or are just stationed somewhere after capture of the city / village.


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The +- current state of things

@denix56 Whilst I appreciate your current situation, can you please provide sources for any imagery that you provide unless it will compromise Ukrainian National Security or the safety and / or security of individuals within the borders of the Ukraine. In such a case just append OPSEC as source. Finally stay safe.



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Funny thing, I have seen the report that they deployed up to 2/3 of the whole group. I suppose it is a bit hard to estimate how much they have really used and how much have really participated in combat or are just stationed somewhere after capture of the city / village.
There are unconfirmed reports that Russian troops landed in Melitopol' and entered the city. Given that Russian troops were there earlier, it would probably be an unopposed landing.



Well-Known Member
President Zelensky has some real balls. Plenty of "strongmen" have fled their capitals at the first sign of approaching troops in the last couple of decades, but so far he has stayed put.

If it's possible to slow the Russian advance into Kiev, having the government stay until the last minute will boost morale.

Also was interesting to read about the public opposition to the war in Russia. Russia isn't China (yet), but I don't think people protest or speak out against Putin lightly. If he's right that Ukranians are really Russian, then by extension of that logic he's attacking his own people right now. Terrible optics and no doubt he wants this conflict to be over quickly, ideally this weekend.


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The Russian Warships and Submarines are taking positions just outside of the major Ukraine Ports (Odessa, Mariopol) and will start firing cruise/ballistic missiles at all targeted military installations. Thus far reports indicate that Russia has used 1/5th of the troops that they amassed on Ukraine's borders, which means out of the reported 200,000 only 30.000-45,000 soldiers have participated in the initial assault.
Any sources on that? And not commercialized military compilation videos.

I've seen several reports that Zelensky is trying to negotiate a ceasefire with Putin. Which earlier Russian sources said they will only accept an unconditional surrender and for all Ukrainians to lay down their arms.

Some Nazi paraphernalia captured from the surrendered 53rd Brigade in Donetsk.

According to some Chinese readouts Xi supports Putin's position on Ukraine and supports Russia's initiatives to start negotiations with Ukraine.

Seeing several reports that the Russians conducted an amphibious landing. Looks like Melitopol' has been under Russian control for a while now.



Well-Known Member
I've seen several reports that Zelensky is trying to negotiate a ceasefire with Putin. Which earlier Russian sources said they will only accept an unconditional surrender and for all Ukrainians to lay down their arms.
Russia claimed that Ukraine had refused an offer of peace talks. President Zelensky confirmed that Ukraine is open to ceasefire talks, but he's not made any offer of surrender. If he had said nothing Russia would have continued to lie and say that Ukraine wanted a war.

According to some Chinese readouts Xi supports Putin's position on Ukraine and supports Russia's initiatives to start negotiations with Ukraine.
China: "We believe that national sovereignty is paramount, but only when it suits us."

Sovereignty with Chinese characteristics.


Active Member
There are unconfirmed reports that Russian troops landed in Melitopol' and entered the city. Given that Russian troops were there earlier, it would probably be an unopposed landing.

I have friends in other regions, but no one there, so cannot confirm or not confirm it :/

The press-secretary of Zelensky has said that he proposed the Israel prime-minister to conduct peace talks. He did not reply, saying he has to think about it (meaning they probably want to find there place in this chess game as 1 article says). Israel has good relations with Russia (and also lots of Russians / Eussian Jews leave in Israel) as well as with Ukraine (in my city Dnipro there is the largest Jewish center in Europe “Menora”) and there are lots of Jews living in Ukraine, holding positions in the government and being oligarchs.

I really hope it will work out and this madness will end.


New Member
It seems Russia is choosing to demonstrate a show of force to NATO by transporting their new RS-24 Yars ICBM system which an improved version of their RS-12 Topol-M system to Moscow to take part in their Victory Day parade. This is the improved version of their Topol-M ICBM system and is touted to be amongst the top 3 most formidable Intercontinental Missiles only behind the United State's Trident ICBM and the Russian SS-18 "Satan" Missile which was, until quite recently considered to be the most dangerous as some sources report that a single SS-18 Satan missile with MIRVs can completely destroy 3 US states, such as Maryland, Vermont and Rhode Island. It's important to note that Russia now has a newer version of this ICBM that they tout to be more formidable than the SS-18, which is called the RS-28 "Sarmat" Missile which has a range of 18,000 KM and has a 10 ton payload which can be fitted with their hypersonic avangard glide system, this Missile can be fitted with 10 Large Nuclear warheads and 16 smaller warheads.

Videos of the RS-24 Yars ICBM launchers and RS-12 Topol-M system



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It seems Russia is choosing to demonstrate a show of force to NATO by transporting their new RS-24 Yars ICBM system which an improved version of their RS-12 Topol-M system to Moscow to take part in their Victory Day parade. This is the improved version of their Topol-M ICBM system and is touted to be amongst the top 3 most formidable Intercontinental Missiles only behind the United State's Trident ICBM and the Russian SS-18 "Satan" Missile which was, until quite recently considered to be the most dangerous as some sources report that a single SS-18 Satan missile with MIRVs can completely destroy 3 US states, such as Maryland, Vermont and Rhode Island. It's important to note that Russia now has a newer version of this ICBM that they tout to be more formidable than the SS-18, which is called the RS-28 "Sarmat" Missile which has a range of 18,000 KM and has a 10 ton payload which can be fitted with their hypersonic avangard glide system, this Missile can be fitted with 10 Large Nuclear warheads and 16 smaller warheads.

Videos of the RS-24 Yars ICBM launchers and RS-12 Topol-M system

Road-mobile ICBMs take part in Victory Day parades every year. This isn't news, and isn't relevant to this thread. The info is also wrong. The Sarmat is not a Topol-Yars derivative, it's a new liquied-fueled silo-only missile.


Active Member
Road-mobile ICBMs take part in Victory Day parades every year. This isn't news, and isn't relevant to this thread. The info is also wrong. The Sarmat is not a Topol-Yars derivative, it's a new liquied-fueled silo-only missile.
There are fakes in the internet, where these things appear with Z marking, painted in Paint.


New Member
Road-mobile ICBMs take part in Victory Day parades every year. This isn't news, and isn't relevant to this thread. The info is also wrong. The Sarmat is not a Topol-Yars derivative, it's a new liquied-fueled silo-only missile.
This is relevant due to the context of the current tit-for-tat moves occurring between Nato and Russia. For instance we've been hearing of an increased presence of Nato troops in the Eastern Flank and talks of Article 5 being thrown about so it is only natural that Russia flexes its muscles as well. You are correct that ICBM's take part in Russia's Victory parades, however the timing is the point here since the victory parade will not take place until May 9th. So Russia chose to showcase these missiles to send a specific message "Do Not Interfere in this military operation or you will face consequences the likes you've never seen in your histories."

Also in regards to the RS-28 Sarmat missiles, I thought my messaging was very clear in making the distinctions that the RS-24 Yars is an improved version of the RS-12 Topol-M. And that the RS-28 "Sarmat" Missile is an improved version of the SS-18 "Satan" Missile.


Well-Known Member
Thus far reports indicate that Russia has used 1/5th of the troops that they amassed on Ukraine's borders, which means out of the reported 200,000 only 30.000-45,000 soldiers have participated in the initial assault. Some generals are speculating that Russia will bring in additional troops during phase two which will be after the capture of Kiev alongside additional units to push from the Dnieper River and the south.

It is irrelevant to speculate how many have entered Ukraine. Russia has transferred the vast majority of its combat units to the vicinity of Ukraine. Even if it has 200K on the border, it cannot commit them all. They are a last resort option.

If Russia loses the majority of its army, or ready units, it will be incapable of defending its borders. None sane would invade Russia, but still for Russia to lose its first and foremost insurance policy would be unacceptable.

This means that even if Russia has many more troops outside Ukraine, it doesn't necessarily have the option to use them unless some really unexpected crisis hits them.


New Member
Russian troops are now engaging Ukrainian forces in the middle of Kiev as additional troops are expected to gradually flow into the capital in the coming hours. It's interesting that Zelensky has released a speech in which he indicates that the Russian forces will storm the capital tonight. As of now it is nearly 1:00 AM in Kyiv and in the last 38 hours since this war began it's been clear that Russia launches the majority of its strikes under the cover of the dark.

Here is a video of a gunfight in the center of Kiev

Assault also taking place in the Oblast region


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This is relevant due to the context of the current tit-for-tat moves occurring between Nato and Russia. For instance we've been hearing of an increased presence of Nato troops in the Eastern Flank and talks of Article 5 being thrown about so it is only natural that Russia flexes its muscles as well. You are correct that ICBM's take part in Russia's Victory parades, however the timing is the point here since the victory parade will not take place until May 9th. So Russia chose to showcase these missiles to send a specific message "Do Not Interfere in this military operation or you will face consequences the likes you've never seen in your histories."
If this is Victory Day parade training, then I don't believe it is. Normally Victory Day parade training starts in march, so we could well expect to see movement to prepare in late february.

Also in regards to the RS-28 Sarmat missiles, I thought my messaging was very clear in making the distinctions that the RS-24 Yars is an improved version of the RS-12 Topol-M. And that the RS-28 "Sarmat" Missile is an improved version of the SS-18 "Satan" Missile.
My apologies, I misread the post.