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- #4,721
There were questions being asked earlier in this thread about how Russia could possibly escalate. Here's one answer. Russia has disconnected the Zaporozhskaya NPP from Ukraine's power grid and has begun systematically hitting power plants. Power outages are being reported in Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, and Poltava. In Kharkov the subway stopped running. The ZNPP was responsible for ~20% of Ukraine's power output. Even if all other NPPs are off limits to strikes, destroying the rest of the power plants will make it impossible for Ukraine to supply power on internal resources. And it's always possible to hit not the NPP but surrounding infrastructure for power distribution to isolate them as energy sources.
EDIT: More. reportedly Odessa region has lost power too.
The strike on Kharkov's TETs-5, a huge power plant.
There are reports of disruption of rial traffic to Sumy, Poltava, and Kharkov. Other locations are likely to follow.
The strike in Dnepropetrovsk.
Reportedly the trolleybus fires in Poltava are also related to powergrid issues.

Зарево после российских ударов в Харьковской области. По данным местных источников, была поражена теплоэлектростанция в Змиеве. Также прилеты были зафиксированы на Харьковской ТЭЦ-5, являющейся одной из крупнейшей теплоэлектроцентралей Украины. @rybar

Другие кадры крупного пожара на одном из пораженных энергетических объектов Харьковской области. По словам жителей, зарево видно за километры от горящего объекта. #Россия #Украина #Харьков @rybar *Поддержать нас: 4377 7278 0407 7977

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EDIT: More. reportedly Odessa region has lost power too.
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The strike on Kharkov's TETs-5, a huge power plant.
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There are reports of disruption of rial traffic to Sumy, Poltava, and Kharkov. Other locations are likely to follow.
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The strike in Dnepropetrovsk.
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Reportedly the trolleybus fires in Poltava are also related to powergrid issues.
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