Look up a few posts, the antonovskiy bridge was taken out last night, apparently by himars strikes. The roadbed is trashed and at looks like at least one girder is damaged beyond repair, At one point the girder tensioning cables are exposed and severed. To repair it would require at least one new girder, new cables put in and tensioned and a new roadbed for that section. Engineers are saying that under optimal conditions that's a 6-8 week job, under war time conditions? who knows.![]()
As Ukraine Signs Up Soldiers, Questions Arise About How It Chooses (Published 2022)
Recruiters approach young men on the street, but the standards are not always clear and there are reports of unwilling men being signed up while some eager to fight are turned away.www.nytimes.com
This is 3 days old article from NYT. There's none in NYT fiber that remotely pro Russian. They are from time to time more frequently become Ukranian mouth piece. So for NYT putting article on problematic condition on Ukranian conscription, for me shown the real problem already more significance.
This is why I always looking on both sides information sources. Both sidesnow are full of propaganda BS that continue clouding real conditions. This is atrition war, thus both sides try to cover real problem on their logistics. However for Ukraine, asside from small arms, Man power is mainly the thing they still can source indigenously.
Western sources try to picture Russian have problem with their man power supplies. Thus they begin to do 'psudo' conscription, which Western sources shown will decrease Russian population moral. However there're no solid proof Russian already doing that, and the conscription coming from both Donbas Republics population.
What's increasing shown proof is Ukrainian own conscription problem, which even NYT shown increasingly become problematic for their own moral level in the front. Again this is war of attrition, and 3 months in the War even Ukranian them selves aknowledge their own MIC practically collapse and they are fighting with Western supplies first ex warsaw pact inventories and some Western equipment.
Will remain to be seen if the West can supply all Ukranian war equipment at par with what Russian can bring. Some Western sources that claim what Collective West can do is similar with what US and UK supply done in WW2 toward USSR. Forgeting that even they help USSR a lot, but the main USSR supply come from their own MIC which Ukranian now does not have it.
It is debeatable how far M270 and HIMARS can do more to Russian supplies line compare to BM-30 and other Russian MLRS and Guns done to Ukranian supplies. Is HIMARS can really weaken Antonivsky bridge structure (Ukraine and some in West claim) or only create problem on upper deck road portion (Pro Russian claim), remain to be seen. Personally I have doubt any MLRS system can bring down the large bridge like that. Historically shown putting down bridge on that size need combination of Artilery and Air Power attack at minimum. Something Ukranian does not have.
In the end all in this war will be determine on how far the attrition cost will effect Ukraine and Russia. This is that each sides try to cover the real situation on their supplies.
As to the NY times, people see what they want to see, Ukrainians and Pro Ukrainian individuals are close to hating it.