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- #3,881
LDNR Front.
Russian airstrikes near Donetsk.
Rebel forces firing an UR-77 near Gorlovka towards positions of the 30th bde.
Russian artillery strikes near Lisichansk.
Ukrainian strike in Stakhanov, LNR area.
Yasinovataya getting hit by shelling, DNR area.
LNR T-72B hits an anti-tank mine, near Lisichansk.
Ukrainian troops withdrawing presumably from Lisichansk under fire.
Ukrainian infantry withdrawing from Lisichansk, complains that they were abandoned.
Allegedly a Polish fighter taken POW near Lisichansk.
Ukrainian vehicles knocked out or abandoned in Severodonetsk-Lisichansk area.
1st link; we have a T-64BV, a BRDM-2, 3 armored cars, a T-72B (we can't confirm but this might be a Russian tank), a destroyed Humvee, and at least 6 captured Humvees.
2nd link; we have three humvees, a pickup truck, and what I think is an MT-LB.
3rd link we have one knocked out BTR-60PB, one AT-105 Saxon knocked out, one Rapira anti-tank gun knocked out, and one captured.
Destroyed BMP-2 in Loskutovka, allegedly Ukrainian.
Overrun Ukrainian positions at the Severodonetsk airport. Note the blank ammo, the location served as a training area.
Russian/rebel forces taken Privol'ye, a small town north of Lisichansk.
The Lisichansk police station, destroyed. It was apparently a Ukrainian staging area.
From Kramatorsk, we can see smoke rising over Seversk, where lead Russian forces are apparently trying to continue the advance.
DNR artillery training with 2S4 super-heavy mortars.
Pavel Gubarev, a famous figure of the Kharkov anti-Maidan, fighting on the front lines as part of DNR forces.
Footage from the Lisichansk oil refinery. The location is in Russia/rebel hands.
Retreating from the Lisichansk refinery, Ukrainian forces have scattered a bunch of small anti-infantry mines around the area.
Lisichansk has fallen.
Ukrainian infantry moving around Lisichansk.
4 Ukrainian POWs from the 10th Mountain Bde, taken near Lisichansk.
Diesel btln DNR with a T-80BV. Pre-war rebels did not operate the type. Recently a number were taken out of storage. This is likely a new arrival.
A story of a mobilized DNR reservist returned from POW. He claims he was tortured with electroshock and beaten with sticks.
3 more DNR POWs exchanged recently state that they were convicted of treason by Ukrainian authorities and were also beaten and tortured with electroshock.
Assorted footage of the town out of Severodonetsk.
Assorted footage of the town, Lisichansk.
DNR claims they've lost 2247 KIA, 9453 WIA military personnel since the start of this war and KIA 687 WIA 11681 for civilians.
Interesting footage out of Lisichansk apparently Sky News tried to interview locals and they had unkind words to say about Britain and one of them blamed Ukraine for the war. It's important to note that Ukraine is in fact divided and an area like Severodonetsk-Lisichansk with large quantities of ethnic Russians coupled with even the ethnic Ukrainians being heavily Russified, often means locals are sympathetic with Russia or the rebels. Severodonetsk itself was a anti-Maidan location in '14 and was briefly in the DNR. These attitudes are generally not shared in other pards of the country.
The West.
In Mukachevo, Zakarpatye area of Ukraine, police is apparently grabbing people off the streets to send to the military commissariat.
Russian missile launches out of Belgorod.
More footage of the wreckage of a Tu-143 shot down in Russia, Kursk region.
Russian National Guard returning from Ukraine to Nizhniy Novgorod and Kaluga.
Russian 200th Motor-Rifle is preparing a volunteer btln to head to Ukraine. The composite unit will include volunteers from other units, and even reservists that choose to enlist. They've apparently been training for a month. Note how much of their small arms have optics. Some of the fighters are WIA from early in the war that are looking to return.
The Kronshtadt factory in Dubna is switching to 24 hour operations to increase UAV production. They are also offering housing allowances in an attempt to get more staff.
Russian Ka-52 dodges a MANPADS, location unclear.
Russian Tigr-M hit a mine, but apparently all occupants survived. Location unclear.
Allegedly a Russian sniper taking out two Ukrainian soldiers.
Ukrainian forces spotted firing a longer range 155mm LU 211 B-BB shell out of the Caesar howitzer.
Russian recon apparently ambushed and took out a Ukrainian pickup truck. Location and context unclear.
We have unconfirmed reports that Russia captured a PzH-2000.
Chechen fighters with a captured Kozak armored car.
Ukrainian forces using Tigr-M and BTR-82A. Note that despite many vehicles being captured early in the war, very few captured Russian vehicles have been seen in Ukrainian service so far.
Ukrainian forces operating Krab howitzers. Location and context unclear.
Ukrainian HIMARS, location and context unclear.
Ukrainian PzH-2000, location and context unclear.
Russian Marines with BTR-82A and T-80BVs. Note the paint job on the T-80BV. I think this vehicle is from storage.
Ukraine is getting 17 Defiant boats from Metal Shark.
There are unconfirmed reports that Canada will deliver 39 IFVs to Ukraine, presumed to be LAV ACSV Super Bison.
Ukrainian artillerymen in the UK learning to use L-118 howitzers and MLRS.
Ukraine will apparently receive NASAMS from the US.
Russian airstrikes near Donetsk.
Неофициальный Безсонов
Только что российские штурмовики отработали позиции ВСУ на Донецком направлении. Съёмка из района Горняка. @NeoficialniyBeZsonoV
Rebel forces firing an UR-77 near Gorlovka towards positions of the 30th bde.
VK.com | VK
Russian artillery strikes near Lisichansk.
Артиллерийская обработка позиций ВСУ под Лисичанском. Источник: https://t.me/denzkul На фронте наши войска продолжают бои в районе Приволья, а также расширяют зону контроля вокруг Лисичанского НПЗ, пытаясь продвинуться к последней дороге из Лисичанска на Северск, для установления прямого...
Ukrainian strike in Stakhanov, LNR area.
ВСУ нанесли новый удар по Стаханову. Скорее всего из РСЗО. Наблюдается возгорание.
Yasinovataya getting hit by shelling, DNR area.
Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
‼️☠️ Враг наносит удары по г. Ясиноватая в ДНР, горят дома t.me/RVvoenkor
LNR T-72B hits an anti-tank mine, near Lisichansk.

Центр Рубеж
Наезд танка Т-72Б НМ ЛНР на противотанковую мину ТМ-62 при продвижение к Лисичанску. Экипаж цел.
Ukrainian troops withdrawing presumably from Lisichansk under fire.
VK.com | VK
Ukrainian infantry withdrawing from Lisichansk, complains that they were abandoned.
VK.com | VK
Allegedly a Polish fighter taken POW near Lisichansk.
WarJournal [Z]
⚡️Пленный наёмник с польским паспортом, которого взяли во время боёв в окрестностях Лисичанска. — Сколько ещё раненых там? — Двое. — Двое раненых? — Да, и один «двухсотый». Наши оказали первую помощь на месте. Потом передали компетентным людям, которые умеют слушать. @zhdanovrt
Ukrainian vehicles knocked out or abandoned in Severodonetsk-Lisichansk area.
1st link; we have a T-64BV, a BRDM-2, 3 armored cars, a T-72B (we can't confirm but this might be a Russian tank), a destroyed Humvee, and at least 6 captured Humvees.
2nd link; we have three humvees, a pickup truck, and what I think is an MT-LB.
3rd link we have one knocked out BTR-60PB, one AT-105 Saxon knocked out, one Rapira anti-tank gun knocked out, and one captured.
VK.com | VK

И еще разбитая и брошенная техника ВСУ в Северодонецке, включая "Хамви" разной степени убитости. Источник: https://t.me/Ugolok_Sitha

Еще Северодонецк. Уничтоженные БТР-60 и БТР "Саксон", а также уничтоженная и трофейная противотанковые пушки "Рапира". Источник: https://t.me/Ugolok_Sitha
Destroyed BMP-2 in Loskutovka, allegedly Ukrainian.

Уголок Ситха
Уничтоженная украинская БМП-2 в селе Лоскутовка. За предоставленные фото и видео спасибо Денису Кулаге. t.me/denzkul
Overrun Ukrainian positions at the Severodonetsk airport. Note the blank ammo, the location served as a training area.
Russian/rebel forces taken Privol'ye, a small town north of Lisichansk.

Галочка в Приволье, которое сегодня уже полностью дочистили. Бои смещаются к Новодружеску.
The Lisichansk police station, destroyed. It was apparently a Ukrainian staging area.
VK.com | VK
From Kramatorsk, we can see smoke rising over Seversk, where lead Russian forces are apparently trying to continue the advance.

Повёрнутые на войне
Из Краматорска отлично видны полыхающие позиции всуушников в Северске. Осталось немного.
DNR artillery training with 2S4 super-heavy mortars.
VK.com | VK
Pavel Gubarev, a famous figure of the Kharkov anti-Maidan, fighting on the front lines as part of DNR forces.
VK.com | VK
Footage from the Lisichansk oil refinery. The location is in Russia/rebel hands.
РИА Новости
Видеокадры с освобожденного НПЗ под Лисичанском корреспондентов РИА Новости, которые присутствовали при штурме завода
Retreating from the Lisichansk refinery, Ukrainian forces have scattered a bunch of small anti-infantry mines around the area.
VK.com | VK
Lisichansk has fallen.

ЛИСИЧАНСК НАШ))) Бойцы специального полка полиции имени Героя России А. Кадырова и 6-го казачьего полка имени Матвея Платова водрузили знамя Победы! Мы с Ростиславом @nezhurka были в центре Лисичанска Больше информации на РИА @rian_ru и и @riaphoto
VK.com | VK
Ukrainian infantry moving around Lisichansk.
4 Ukrainian POWs from the 10th Mountain Bde, taken near Lisichansk.
VK.com | VK
Diesel btln DNR with a T-80BV. Pre-war rebels did not operate the type. Recently a number were taken out of storage. This is likely a new arrival.
VK.com | VK
A story of a mobilized DNR reservist returned from POW. He claims he was tortured with electroshock and beaten with sticks.
Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
‼️ Рассказ военного ДНР об ужасах украинского плена Мобилизованный боец из Горловки вернулся домой из украинского плена не так давно. Он рассказал о двух месяцах издевательств и психологического давления, всё это время его пытали украинские боевики. Мужчину обменяли на украинских...
3 more DNR POWs exchanged recently state that they were convicted of treason by Ukrainian authorities and were also beaten and tortured with electroshock.
VK.com | VK
Assorted footage of the town out of Severodonetsk.

Assorted footage of the town, Lisichansk.
⚡️Лисичанск как на ладони: наш корреспондент показал окрестности города, в котором сейчас происходят боестолкновения. Все больше районов Лисичанска переходит под контроль ВС РФ и ЛНР, а среди украинских боевиков множатся случаи бегства и стрельбы по своим же заградотрядам. Такой вид...
VK.com | VK

❗️Так сейчас выглядит Лисичанск, на дорогах города повсюду разбросаны машины, которыми украинские боевики пытались остановить продвижение ВС РФ Подписаться на Zvezdanews

DNR claims they've lost 2247 KIA, 9453 WIA military personnel since the start of this war and KIA 687 WIA 11681 for civilians.

Официальные потери ДНР с 1 января по 1 июля 2022-го года: Военные: Убито – 2247 Ранено – 9453 Гражданские: Убито – 687 Ранено 2228 Общее число погибших граждан ДНР за 6 месяцев: Убито - 2934 Ранено - 11681 Мир праху всех погибших.
Interesting footage out of Lisichansk apparently Sky News tried to interview locals and they had unkind words to say about Britain and one of them blamed Ukraine for the war. It's important to note that Ukraine is in fact divided and an area like Severodonetsk-Lisichansk with large quantities of ethnic Russians coupled with even the ethnic Ukrainians being heavily Russified, often means locals are sympathetic with Russia or the rebels. Severodonetsk itself was a anti-Maidan location in '14 and was briefly in the DNR. These attitudes are generally not shared in other pards of the country.
Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина
Sky News опубликовало сюжет из Лисичанска, но что-то пошло не так... @OpenUkraine
The West.
In Mukachevo, Zakarpatye area of Ukraine, police is apparently grabbing people off the streets to send to the military commissariat.
Война до последнего украинца В Закарпатском городе Мукачево полиция перешла к принудительной мобилизации мужчин в ряды ВСУ. Людей скручивают прямо на лицах под возмущённые крики родственников. @anna_news
Russian missile launches out of Belgorod.
С территории Белгородской области в сторону Харькова вылетели ракеты. #Россия #Украина #Харьков @rybar *Поддержать нас: 4377 7278 0407 7977
More footage of the wreckage of a Tu-143 shot down in Russia, Kursk region.
VK.com | VK
Russian National Guard returning from Ukraine to Nizhniy Novgorod and Kaluga.
Russian 200th Motor-Rifle is preparing a volunteer btln to head to Ukraine. The composite unit will include volunteers from other units, and even reservists that choose to enlist. They've apparently been training for a month. Note how much of their small arms have optics. Some of the fighters are WIA from early in the war that are looking to return.
VK.com | VK
The Kronshtadt factory in Dubna is switching to 24 hour operations to increase UAV production. They are also offering housing allowances in an attempt to get more staff.
VK.com | VK
Russian Ka-52 dodges a MANPADS, location unclear.
VK.com | VK
Russian Tigr-M hit a mine, but apparently all occupants survived. Location unclear.
Неофициальный Безсонов
"Тигр" после наезда на противотанковую мину. Все ребята, кто был внутри, живы и здоровы. Источник: t.me/romanov_92 @NeoficialniyBeZsonoV
VK.com | VK
Allegedly a Russian sniper taking out two Ukrainian soldiers.
VK.com | VK
Ukrainian forces spotted firing a longer range 155mm LU 211 B-BB shell out of the Caesar howitzer.
VK.com | VK
Russian recon apparently ambushed and took out a Ukrainian pickup truck. Location and context unclear.
VK.com | VK
We have unconfirmed reports that Russia captured a PzH-2000.

Bild заявил о захвате САУ PzH 2000 в руки военных ВС России
Chechen fighters with a captured Kozak armored car.
VK.com | VK
Ukrainian forces using Tigr-M and BTR-82A. Note that despite many vehicles being captured early in the war, very few captured Russian vehicles have been seen in Ukrainian service so far.
VK.com | VK
Ukrainian forces operating Krab howitzers. Location and context unclear.
VK.com | VK
Ukrainian HIMARS, location and context unclear.
VK.com | VK
Ukrainian PzH-2000, location and context unclear.
VK.com | VK
Russian Marines with BTR-82A and T-80BVs. Note the paint job on the T-80BV. I think this vehicle is from storage.
VK.com | VK
Ukraine is getting 17 Defiant boats from Metal Shark.
Украина получит еще 17 малых катеров американской компании Metal Shark
Американская катеростроительная компания Metal Shark (штат Луизиана) 28 июня 2022 года подтвердила , что в рамках объявленного правительством США 23 июня очередного пакета военного помощи Украине общей стоимостью 450 млн долл, Украине будут переданы из состава ВМС США шесть…

There are unconfirmed reports that Canada will deliver 39 IFVs to Ukraine, presumed to be LAV ACSV Super Bison.

Центр Рубеж
Канада поставит ВСУ 39 боевых машин поддержки пехоты, предположительно, LAV ACSV Super Bison.
Ukrainian artillerymen in the UK learning to use L-118 howitzers and MLRS.
VK.com | VK
Ukraine will apparently receive NASAMS from the US.
Новая американская военная помощь Украине, включая зенитные ракетные комплексы NASAMS
1 июля 2022 года министерство обороны США сообщило о предоставлении очередного нового пакета военной помощи Украине общим объемом 820 млн долларов. Таким образом, общая сумма официально выделенной Киеву американской военной помощи с начала российской специальной военной операции на Украине 24…