So are they ditching the 2 boat bays that the Type 31 design had modified the from the original Iver design. Because it looked like Seaceptor was selected to give room for those extra boat bays. This might also cause an issue if they wanted to embark 2 helos, as AFAIK the Iver Huifeldt can only embark one as it wasn't just boat bays but a general flex space area that opened up into the Hangar.T31 is built to be able to take 32 strike-length Mk41 - 4 x 8. That's in the published data. It not only has space, but the foundations under that space are being built in.
It had seemed as if the UK was after a small flex mission bay like they were building on the Type 26. If that is no longer important that is interesting.
The type 45 was supposed to allow the fitment of mk41. But as it is for all ships, its a trade off. IMO the Type 45 is built to favor euro weapon systems, and push come to shove I'm not sure the Type 45 would be a good ship for the indo-pacific area. I doubt anyone is really interested in fitting ESSMII to the t45, but TLAM, SM-6 would be more interesting.Why T31 instead of T45? Because T45 doesn't have anywhere to put a lot of strike length Mk41 that isn't already taken up with other stuff that nobody wants to remove from it. It has 48 Sylver A50 for Aster 15/30, & is to get 24 CAMM launchers as well, to enable the Sylver VLS to be filled with just Aster 30, the 15 being disposed of. IIRC that's just a matter of replacing the boosters with Aster 30 boosters. Presumably the Aster 15 boosters will be returned to MBDA.
CAMM can fit in Mk41 via ExLS host, 4 per Mk41 cell. Or if there's room, the CAMM launchers could be left in place, saving the cost of ExLS. Nothing has been said in public. Shephard Media says that an assessment phase has begun, i.e. money is being spent on looking at options, roles, work needed, costs, etc., & that it's being done with the USN.
AFAIK can tell the mk41 replaces at least some of the camm mushroom farm. There are reasons to have both camm and Mk41, but I am not sure cost reduction is a strong argument.
Im not sure why everyone is overtly excited about the Type 31 getting VLS, it was mentioned before, and the parent design has them fitted, its not exactly a new idea. Until there is money and systems procured and welded in I am cautious. Certainly without any mk41 the Type 31 feels pretty low end for air defence.
It was talked about in 2022 as a done deal, back when they were looking at fitting mk41 to all ships.

Type 45 Destroyers may be fitted with Mk41 VLS
The Royal Navy is seeking to increase the number of ships fitted with Mk 41 vertical launch systems.

“Work is ongoing to explore a range of options to meet the RN’s Future Offensive Surface
Weapon (FOSuW) requirement to replace Harpoon which goes out of service in 2023.
This includes the potential fitting of Mk 41 launchers beyond those already planned
for the Type 26, including Type 31 and potential retrofit to existing classes, to provide
commonality with partner nations, improve interoperability and simplify the inventory
of maritime offensive capabilities.”
Additionally, their response also states:
“We are seeking to increase the number of ships fitted with Mk 41 launchers beyond the Type 26, including Type 31 and potential retrofit to existing classes, to provide commonality with partner nations, improve interoperability and simplify the inventory of maritime offensive capabilities.”
Mk 41 has a large number of weapons that can be fired from it, and a large number of weapons types that fit in it, and a large number of nations producing weapons for it, including things like CAMM.
In any sort of high end conflict, anywhere in the world, mk41 launches will be essential. More nations have stocks and production lines of Mk41 weapons will also be essential. Even if only 8 mk41 are fitted to Type 45, it would be a significant upgrade.
That isn't to say I don't like camm. I like camm. I think perhaps its time is coming to replace SeaRAM. The issue I have with C-Dome is it is in the same space as CAMM, and I think CAMM is better than C-Dome, but there should be some sort of proper assessment before committing to either system over something like SeaRAM. While they can be fitted to majors as CIWS, they are ideal for non-combatants like AOR's, LHD, etc.