Which is probably why they are pushing the Type31e, its a proven good in water design with no yard to build them. With the Type 26 going up in size and spec, it is probably to much ship for those outside the bigger colonies to handle.
I think they would be pitching the Type 31e to countries like NZ (2-3?), Malaysia?, Arab countries (~6?), Brazil (~6?) etc. With most of those if not all of them being UK builds of at least the hulls. Indonesia would probably be interested in a local build, but that still adds a lot of support for the design, Indonesia doesn't have a huge high tech defense industry. UK Systems and upgrades will be available off the shelf, as the Danish ships aren't exactly fitted with kit that would suit a ship hitting the water 2025-2030. Uk would also have key information about moving kit from the type 22/23 and fitting that.
I still think more Type 26 is the better long term option. But if things work out, the Type31e project could be quite a successful project. But there is risk they could be building 5 of an orphan type, and no export sales.