Same here - I lived through a time of tremendous uncertainty regarding security and the debate about nuclear weapons was at it's loudest when I was a youth. We had cruise missiles at Greenham Common and all sorts of ructions about the Trident program, plus Ray Gun Ronnie in the Whitehouse. I've read a number of anti nuclear books, at first innocent of their focus and basically had to teach myself some level of critical thinking in the process.Actually I find material from those sites to be somewhat biased and unreliable so really of no academic use or research reliability other than as pointers to sources of misinformation. Living in a country that went down the path of banning nuclear weapons etc., and having lived through the whole argument 30 years ago, I am well used to the arguments, good and bad, both for and against, so Jeneral I find you arguments somewhat uninformed and juvenile.
The anti-nuclear lobby demand certainty where none exists - if we used their tests for "safe" we'd never get out of bed (or go to bed as people do trip and fall on the stairs..)
I'd love to live in a world where nuclear weapons aren't present but if they were un-invented tomorrow and every test, every research article etc had never happened, we'd have a working nuclear weapon again inside five years.
I'm baffled as to why Jeneral keeps trotting down the UK line with this when I think it's increasingly apparent he's not a UK national - why not pester the Russians about nuclear deterrence? Their forces are far less well founded than ours in terms of modern aircraft, ships, time at sea etc so they would benefit far more from scrapping nuclear weapons than we might - why don't they see sense and disarm?
After all, who in the world would they be fighting a nuclear war with? See what I did there ?