excuse me? someone weights their response to deny whats actually happening in the real world outside of the internet and I'm supposed to "lighten up" - he then throws out the canard of not changing his view until he sees something about how the relationship will change at a contractual level - when he should know damn well that the actual relationship details aren't on the internet in the first place. Lets get real and look at how it does actually work - not on some chest puffing fluffery which wants to ignore events already in playSeriously gf, lighten up.
not from his tone and intent previouslyI don't think anyone here believes there won't be operational issues/constraints behind the UK-French co-operation and no one here is arguing otherwise on a operational level nor really contradicting what you have said.
again, who is talking about a massive breakdown, I am talking about real constraints - and the fact that he seems to be oblivious as to the real world constraints currently in place - let alone how they will change as a result of the formal alliance cordiale' says much This isn't speculation. Its happening now.I believe where rik is coming from is that that co-operation will not result in a massive breakdown in defence relations between the UK and US esp arising from ToT issues. I don't think anyone here believes it would happen either nor result in any scaling down of the "special" relationship.
and yet you both seem to be unaware of what is provided the UK, what is kept out from France and how current contracts already have restrictions on what the french can see even at NATO levels. let alone 4I's issuesI agree with Rik's assessment that the cooperation is unlikely to be used as a back-door to French/US tech or IP esp in the light of already heavy joint cooperation between UK and the rest of Europe.
and thats the point - it cannot continue as is without effect - its become much harder. we're already seeing that access to some tech affecting all of us may be of concern to US State. This has got minimal to do with trust and sharing tech to the UK, its about the new constraints.The UK-US relationship is vitally important to both countries and that will be a consideration when dealing with the operational constraints.
ignoring the reality of how it affects 4I's issues by factoring what France and UK will seek to share completely ignores the realities and difficulties that already exist. Its about partnership management with 3 different entities. Its foolish in the extreme to think that it will be a continuing kumbayah moment.
there are a number of programs (ewarfare, comms) where there are other members in the teams, sometimes its not the US that expresses those concerns, its the members themselves and will make submissions to the group about their own technology sets) This is not just an issue about the US State Dept, its about all members who currently share with the UK and who have their own nationalistic concerns about what they think France can see - this is the reality of it, its the real world, its not some internet fable going on here.
it won't and it isn't.
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