Since leaving A-Stan the RN is determined to keep it's Harrier crews carrier capable, dark blue day/night and light blue day. We will see increased cross-decking of UK personnel on US strike carriers as the RN prepares for the arrival of the QE class. I seriously doubt we will see GR7/9's return to A-Stan, that role will be filled by Tornado and eventually Typhoon. Harrier's will be a fixed feature onboard the dedicated UK strike carrier for the forceable future, this will be non-negotiable if we want to witness a seamless transition to the new QE class ships. The critical issue is ground support and aircrew experience operating at sea from a busy platform.mainly due to the harriers being used in AFG. so more harriers are available for ops
The four month 'Auriga' exercise in 2010 involving Ark Royal and a full compliment of Harriers (UK & USMC) is the beginning of the full-on 'beat-up' training in prep for the QE Class. Royal will also operate off Nova Scotia, Canada allowing it to utilise the BATUS ranges, which are the UK's primary live-firing training areas for its armoured battle groups. This will alow for all-arms CAS training based from a active carrier in support of a full armoured battle group (Chally, Warrior, CVRT's, AS90 - the full monty).