The role of Aircraft Carriers in conflicts


New Member
Oh and last careful about referring to the uk invincible class carriers as 'carriers'. I have heard (though i dont know how accurate this is) that they are classed as 'cruisers' - you dont want to get that wrong in an academic paper!

And anyway - search 'Sea Harrier over the Falklands' (book) on google, cant remember who the author is but it could be a good place to start.

What level is this paper supposed to be at? 200 pages sounds like some kind of dissertation...
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New Member
Carriers and their battlegroups/task forces are flexible, powerful means of force projection. They can engage targets on the water, over the water, or under the water and they can do this virtually anywhere in the world.

For a nation looking to plant and protect its interests abroad, carriers make quite a bit of sense. Plus, they flattops come with a prestige factor and potential for "showing the flag" that doesn't come with many (if any) submarines.

Excellent! If i had to add to this thread, my thoughts would fall along the path of these statements. It is immeasurable in $$$, how these theories assist the Global Political stance of America.