The new members introduction thread.


New Member

New member from Pakistan here......
I am a defence tech enthusiast,mainly aviation,have been visiting many airshows over the years.

Welcome me earthlings... :)


New Member
hello everyone

Hi All,

Good day.This is Carl.I have been following defence related topics for nearly a decade and I look forward to contributing and reading information in a civil and friendly manner Cheers :)


New Member
Good day to all.

Just registered after lurking on this forum for more than 2 years.

I'm from Singapore, and like all able-bodied males, I have done my time in the military.


New Member
Signal Corps Veteran Signing In.

Greetings to all, my name is Robert. I'm a 58 year old American male who lives and works in the state of New Jersey.
I have only a little more than two years of military service, U.S. Army, 1981-1983. Perhaps just enough to earn the "professional" status here? I'd feel honored if so. I did apply to the group only yesterday so I expect it will take some weeks to verify.
I have been interested in science and technology since very young. There are probably few topics better to feed my desire to stay informed than aerospace and defense. Hence, my application for membership here. And while some of my social and political practices and views may not always mesh well with mainstream defense community mindsets, I do stress mutual respect and sensitivity in international affairs.
I believe I can be at least a modest asset here and maybe make a few aquaintences and maybe friends. For while I breathe, I also hope.
All the best!

New Member

Long time luker first time poster from Canberra, military enthusiast. Looking forward to the discussion.



da silva

New Member
Hey guys. Looking into joining the Australian defence force, and got directed here from a friend on an australian fishing forum to find some answers, old faithful I think he calls himself

Looks like a pretty profesionally run site, kept nice and friendly. That ban thread is pretty damn long!!

Enjoying searching through, and a heap of info to look at-just what the wife wanted me to find Im sure.

Cheers, Stu
Hi everyone,
I'm also looking to joining the Australian Defence Force. My name's Michael da Silva and I am a Singapore national living in Auckland, New Zealand.
I would like to migrate to Australia and would like to serve in the ADF.
I was in the Singapore Armed Forces many years ago.
I just hope that the ADF will accept me.



New Member
Hello everyone,
I've been an military enthusiast since I was a child. My only regret is that I never served in my country's armed forces; my best friend and I were going to join up after leaving school, but in the end neither of us did!
I am now 40 years old, but my interest in military matters has not diminished.
I am looking forward to taking part in this forum.



New Member
G'day team, this is my first post here on DT. I'm a currently serving member of the Australian Defence Force and always love to enhance my personal and professional knowledge, so I can see I'm in the right place, as the depth of knowledge on DT seems incredible so far. My particular areas of interest are of aviation and military sea power and it's theories. I am also currently completing a politics and history oriented Bachelors degree, so I also have an interest in global politics. I hope I can contribute well to the discussions here! Thanks all!:)


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Howdy all, I'm a long-time lurker who finally bit the bullet and got an account for DT. I'm a currently serving officer in the US Navy with experience on two ARLEIGH BURKE-class destroyers (with a deployment to Western Africa/the Mediterranean, and time spent as part of the Forward Deployed Naval Forces stationed in Japan). My primary interests in this forum are in the Naval and Maritime and Air Force and Aviation areas, and I look forward to hopefully being able to provide occasional meaningful contributions and frequently to learn more about developments around the world.


New Member
Hi everybody,
Served 12 yrs in the Australian Army pround member of the RAR and I've been following the discussions on the forum for a few yrs so thought I would get in on the action.


New Member

Hi, I am 36 years old from India i am a geopolitics, geostartegy & defense enthusiast contributing on many websites hope to have long stay here and will try to contribute to the esteemed forum.


hi crest here, just your run of the mill political millitary junky 32 years old, great looking fourm. Looking forward to informitive posts and respectfull debates


New Member
Good morning!

It is a pleasure to join this community and to meet you all. I have been enjoying the posts here for a while, and I thought it time to partake in the conversation.

I have long been a military enthusiast, but I have no military background. Chance had it that I did not join a military academy, although I was highly determined to do so at one point in my life.

These days I find myself a writer (by night; by day, I'm an academic--a teacher and researcher in the social sciences).

My primary purpose for joining this community is to ask questions pertain to my writing. Although I do not bring expertise to the table, I hope that my questions might prove relevant and interesting to the rest of you.




Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
My primary purpose for joining this community is to ask questions pertain to my writing. Although I do not bring expertise to the table, I hope that my questions might prove relevant and interesting to the rest of you.


Mate, don't worry about not knowing the answers - and don't worry about expertise, there is no shortage of people who will be willing to help.

Everyone started off at some stage with zero knowledge - and everyone is still learning new things - no matter what their knowledge levels are now.

welcome and enjoy


New Member
It is a pleasure to join this community and to meet you all. I have been enjoying the posts here for a while, and I thought it time to partake in the conversation.

I have long been a military enthusiast, but I have no military background. Chance had it that I did not join a military academy, although I was highly determined to do so at one point in my life.

These days I find myself a writer (by night; by day, I'm an academic--a teacher and researcher in the social sciences).

My primary purpose for joining this community is to ask questions pertain to my writing. Although I do not bring expertise to the table, I hope that my questions might prove relevant and interesting to the rest of you.



Welcome mate, hope to have comprehensive discussion on the subject of mutual interest .


New Member
Howdy folks, name's Alex, I'm 19 and I'm a student studying Criminology at uni in the North West of England, UK.

I've been a military/weapons enthusiast since I was about 7 years old, having gotten into the art of war through WWII-scenario table-top gaming with my father (who always seemed to beat me). Then came along the likes of Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan, as well as a host of war-oriented video-games and ever since then I've been studying the field of warfare and military strategy/tactics as something of a hobby. Politics is also something I have an interest in.

There's a supreme irony to be extracted from this as, while I have a fascination with all things military, I can't actually serve due to a hearing impairment which I was born with. I'm deaf, basically. Which sucks big time considering I had aspirations of going into UKSF.

Anyhow, I look forward to discussing defence topics with everyone, it's great to find a forum such as this and a real pleasure to be here.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Howdy folks, name's Alex, I'm 19 and I'm a student studying Criminology at uni in the North West of England, UK.

I've been a military/weapons enthusiast since I was about 7 years old, having gotten into the art of war through WWII-scenario table-top gaming with my father (who always seemed to beat me). Then came along the likes of Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan, as well as a host of war-oriented video-games and ever since then I've been studying the field of warfare and military strategy/tactics as something of a hobby. Politics is also something I have an interest in.

There's a supreme irony to be extracted from this as, while I have a fascination with all things military, I can't actually serve due to a hearing impairment which I was born with. I'm deaf, basically. Which sucks big time considering I had aspirations of going into UKSF.

Anyhow, I look forward to discussing defence topics with everyone, it's great to find a forum such as this and a real pleasure to be here.
Spooky, your background almost exactly echo's mine except for a few minor details (Mechanical Engineering - Cardiff, more around 15 - 16 when I got into it, Dad didn't get involved - it was my hobby)

Welcome aboard. Have a flick through the forum rules (basically, don't be a knob ;) ) + enjoy your time here.


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm a newbie and hope everyone will be fine.
My name is Mike and I'm a Businessman. Music, bodybuilding and pets are my love.
Rather they are my passion.
I have something to be discussed here.
Hope for a nice time.