But if Soviets were counting on operational level breakthroughs, what advantages their tanks had against Western in this angle? What is the specific of this kind of war operations? Soviet tanks had to take part in this attack in two roles. First, when motorized infantry had to break holes in NATOs defense, tanks should help them (in front of every motorized company there was a tanks platoon). Second, tanks were planned to be flinged in this holes to destroy NATOs communications and rear.
Let's suppose that the second role was more important. We need to compose a list of requirements for tank, which mission is to take part in such operational level breakthroughs.
1) Manoeuvrability and shipping quality (because of Soviet vans could capture only 60 tons not more);
2) High speed;
3) Autonomous (to have an opportunity to fight far from their bases);
4) Ergonomically (crew need a very comfortable tank because of they almost lived their for a long term);
5) Good devices for reconnaissance and information acquisition to coordinate with their activity;
6) Let's suppose that its electronics, thermals, gun and armour are not so important (but I'm sure they are important anyway).
In which components of this list Soviet tanks were good?
Manoeuvrability? Similar as Western.
Speed? Similar.
Reliability? More than doubtful (just look at Soviet cars and you will understand everything

Ergonomic? As one Russian general said, after two hours in soviet tank you lose 80 % of your physiological abilities

. The volume of T-72/80/84/90s turrets is near 2,5 m3, the same for the Leo II – 5 m3.
Reconnaissance and information acquisition opportunities? Weak optics, no thermals (don’t know about quality of French ones, but now we are talking about Soviet tactics and tanks).
The advantages were weight and price only. I don’t know the exact price for T-90, but comparable Ukrainian T-84 costs 3.5 mln. $ and Russians press was writing about dumping from Ukrainian side. Suppose that their price is the same. The price of Abrams is 6,9 mln. $, Leo II – less than 6 mln., Merkava IV – 5 mln. $. The fact is, ex-soviet tanks are almost as cheaper, as lighter.
You repeat myths about tanks of USSR.
«Reconnaissance and information acquisition opportunities? Weak optics, no thermals.» USSR optics was very good. No thermals? USSR uz night vision devices from very old time, for example: IKN-8 (ИКН-8) night vision device for tank Т-34-85 (1944).
High speed, Autonomous, Good devices, Armor, Armament.
Tanks of cold war:
TM60 Patton (Produced 1960-1987)
Gun 105 mm. Armor: vs KE Turret 210 Hull front:170-250, vs CE Turret: 250
Night sight device, night vision device, laser rangefinder and electronic fire control.
Max. operational range 500 km. Speed 48 km/h (road)
Leopard 1 (1965)
Gun 105 mm. Armor: vs KE Turret: 180-190 Mantle: 230 Glacis:140 Lower front hull: 120 Turret: 200-270, vs CE Turret: 200-270
Operational range 600 km (on road) Speed 62 km/h
Gun 125 mm
Armor: According to a declassified CIA report from 1984, the US then assessed that the T-64A and T-64B had the same protection level of 370-440mm vs KE and 500-575mm vs CE. The T-64 was designed to be protected against all 1960s 105mm ammunition. BTVT estimates T-64A max as glacis 335mm vs KE/450mm vs CE, turret 410mm vs KE/450mm vs CE. GSPO estimates T-64B as 380-450mm versus KE and 500-560mm versus CE. BTVT estimates T-64B as 350-500mm versus KE and 450-600mm versus CE.
PN-1-49-23 night sight, night vision TBN-4PA for the driver and a TNP-165A for the tank leader,
TPD-43B (ТПД-43Б) sight - laser rangefinder, cross-wind sensor, ballistic calculator, navigation device. ERA Kontakt-1.
Operational range 700 km (road, with external tanks). Speed 60 km/h
Gun 125 mm
Armor (T-72B & S w/K-1 ERA): vs KE Turret: 280-550 Glacis: 485 Lower front hull: 250 vs CE Turret: 580-850 Glacis: 670-910 Lower front hull: 250. BTVT estimates T-72B max as glacis 485mm vs KE/900mm vs CE; turret 540mm vs KE/900mm vs CE.
night sight device, night vision device, laser rangefinder and electronic fire control, navigation device, devices for underwater driving of the tank in a river (not more than 1000 m).
Operational range 700 km (road, with external tanks). Speed 60 km/h
M1 Аbrams (1981)
Gun 105 mm
Armor: vs KE Turret: 400 Glacis: 400, vs CE Turret & Glacis:700-800.
Operational range 480 km with NBC system: 565 km. Speed Road: 72 km/h
M1A1 (1985) Gun 120 mm. Armor: vs KE Mantle & Turret: 450 Glacis: 350-490 Lower front hull:430-470, vs CE Turret: 800 Glacis:510-800 Lower front hull: 570-790
Leopard 2 (In service 1979-present)
Gun 120 mm. Armor: vs KE Turret: 550-600 Glacis: 250-300, vs CE Turret: 800
Operational range 550 km. Speed 72 km/h
Gun 125 mm
Armor: BTVT estimates T80U w/K-5 max glacis 800mm vs KE, turret 860mm vs KE; turret 1200mm vs CE glacis 1100mm vs CE
1A46 fire control system includes a laser range finder, a ballistics computer, and a more advanced 1G46 gunner's main sights, as well as thermal imaging sights. ERA Kontakt 5.
Operational range 600 km (road, with external tanks). Speed 80 km/h
T-80U(M) TO1-PO2 Agava gunner's thermal imaging sight.
Reliability? Simplicity in use and reliability are known qualities of weapons of the USSR.
Old tanks of the USSR perfectly work even now. 40 years after their production. (War in Georgia. Only old T62\64 and T-72 was there.)