So solar and wind count as 'national resources' now? Rather than just a resource available to be harnessed by everyone else on the planet?
Nice bit of warped logic there.
Robbed of their resources? That's a massive DERP right there. Nothing like a bit of blind 'they took our jerbs!' to add things into the mix with no basis in the real world.
But you just said it was all scaremongering, that's what you literally just said, said it was something being orchestrated by London.
But now you say that *isn't* the case, that the idea its scaremongering is bullsh!t and that rather than it being 'those sneaky southerners' that the business community might actually do what's best for their business and their customers where possible?
Lots of doubt and what ifs, that's for sure, it would be nice if Salmond would actually respond to it than saying they're lies, bluffs and never going to happen. That's severe pandering to the dumbest of the population if ever i've seen it.
You mean those policies being brought in from the 13 year long Labour government which Scotland overwhelmingly supported in every General Election? They're angry at their own elected sponges for screwing them over?
Or is it conveniently since the Coalition government in 2010 that everything went wrong?
That's some great logic right there.
Again, policies and promises being made from 1997 - 2010 from a Labour Government which Scotland actively put into office.
Or - again - was it all the Coalition?
Yes, all of those you are completely fairly made.
The issue is that the information you're being fed from that imbecile that is Scotland's First Minister is so deluded and divorced from reality that the people making the decision are not basing it on facts. They are basing it on a fantasy, a fantasy which - according to Salmond - everyone will submit to Scotland, everything will be great, nobody will oppose whatever we do and it'll all be grand.
That's b*llocks.
London's industrial lobby? The same people you say are making all the scaremongering then swiftly agreed that it wasn't scaremongering in the first place?
Not really, it's pretty clear what the result is going to be, you can see industry making its choice what side of the fence it wants to sit behind and giving indications (i.e increasing cost warnings) about what it will do in response.
It's actually pretty clear, really.
As for the public opinion, down to the 'No' campaign by 6 points now isn't it?
Maybe so, But then again i am not claiming i am right.
There are multiple sides bringing out information, and i am sure that both sides have valid points to make. But even if both sides spread lies and doubt, fact remains that there is a vote with a simple yes and a simple no, and loads of people are voting yes and loads will vote no.
Imo the issue is not what you or me think, the issue is what London does and what Scotland does and how this will play down.
All rhetoric a side people are being fed up and thats the big case here.
And IMHO both London and Scotland in terms of Government have screwed up in a major way.
The union is not just being attacked from the outside, its being broken from the inside out by the very people that "value" the union.
Ill guess the big question is can Scotland become successfully independent if they wish so? And while it might be a hard job to accomplish it seems that all the ingredients are there to do so.
So Salmond can claim his wildest dreams, who is there to proof him right or wrong?
You? Me? Public opinion? I am sure its not all smack talk.
Same goes for the British leaders, they will feed any info to the media that would make a yes vote look bad, in the same way as Salmond does his best to make a yes vote look good.
Both sides are spreading rubbish and both sides have valid points, but one question remains: Give London one good reason to actually say that Salmond has some valid points? Knowing that if Scotland breaks away that the rest of the UK will suffer arguably the biggest loss.
And its not about me being right or wrong, it does not matter.
if you are right and this Salmond guy is full of shit, then the only way he can do that is because London lets him... So seeing eye to eye and making hard agreements between both sides seems to be the only solution that will save the union in the long term, because as long both sides do not see eye to eye you will see another referendum in some years assuming this one fails.
And given the huge amount of voters who seem to swing to the yes vote, would that not be reason enough for London to start doing some thinking on their own?
Its easy to say that Salmond and his idea's might be based on a fairy tail and maybe you are right, maybe this is all rubbish.
But from a Scottish pov this rubbish seems to be more valid then Londons it "rubbish".
But hey look at the bright side... this issue is going on for what? 200/300 years now?
Scots will be Scots and English will be English and as such this was bound to happen sooner or later...
And there is nothing anyone of us here on DT are going to change about that.