Lots of the news coming from London about the possible independence of Scotland is just scaremongering.
I got family myself in Edinburgh and you should hear them about the policies set by London, which favors "south" in every regard.
This has been going on for years, London promising all kinds of powers and changes, but so far none have been given...
Yeah little teasers like a kid gets a piece of candy... But for the Scots there is nothing to gain, losing their jobs, losing health-care, losing education programs and so on.
This is not just some tiny problem, its about the fact that Scots always have been outsiders and always have been handled as such.
England has something to lose here as the Scots pay the majority part of the taxes levied over the UK's population people need to realize that a vast part of the British economy comes from the Scots, and London tries to scaremonger the Scots.
Tell a Scot what he cannot do, and see what he will do...lol.
I am sure both sides will suffer from this, but i am also sure that Scotland will be a success if the vote remains yes, there is lots of talk about the Scottish cash flow and sustainability with declining north sea oil revenues however fact is that this money goes to London and Scotland does not see a penny of it.
Many years the Scots have been asking for changes, and years on end they have been promised that changes would come.
Today many Scottish people lost their jobs and lost options that the "south" still has.
Family of mine has a own company and there are tax rules and other shady policies that only apply to the Scottish while the south does not have these "restrictions & Policies" So ask yourself the question: Why would Scotland NOT be independent?
If London would handle them in exactly the same way as they would handle the rest of the UK then things would be different and the Scots would be "happy" to remain in the union.
And all these big companies that claim they will move to London if Scotland becomes independent is just scaremongering by London lobby as has been explained on many many news outlets and has been explained by many analysts.
If London is right, then Scotland will become a western third world country..really?
Thats just bull...
In terms of military and defense agreements there is so much for both at stake that i am sure that there will be some sort of agreement that suit both, Diplomacy wise the EU might have a problem with Scotland but this will sort itself over time, as Scotland with its vast resources will be to important to ignore.
The real issue will be London as England will have to do some serious soul searching, because their economy will pretty much be dropping down a big chunk and with the economic crisis still going on London will be begging for the Scots to stay.
That said given the first hand info i got from family, if i where Scottish i would vote yes with a passion.
But ill guess time will tell who is right and wrong.
Right now both sides are doing their part in propaganda and scaremongering.