Yup, canards literally means ducks or goose or something like that in french. So they are mostly good for eating especially if you fatten them up like what the french does.Aye, canards have nothing to do with radar weight.
Yup, canards literally means ducks or goose or something like that in french. So they are mostly good for eating especially if you fatten them up like what the french does.Aye, canards have nothing to do with radar weight.
next u are going to tell us Thrust vectoring was used because the tail was heavy.The canard was necessitated due to the heavy weight of the BARS radar, making the nose of the plane heavier. The canard fixed the responsiveness of the aircraft control. However the IRBIS-E is lighter, hence there was no need for Canards to improve its flight characteristics.
Wrong its the Su-27. I think it was called LL-UV or something like that and there was another designation as well. Initially they tested the flat nozzle before moving to a round one.Was one of the russian TV experiment. The airframe is a MiG-29, not a SU-27 series.
The Su-35BM (Bolshaya Modernizatsiya - Big Modernization), undertook alterations in its fuselage, weight, RCS, embarked avionics, radar and bombs. Originally the Su-35 project did not contemplate the adoption of canards, however during the development of the aircraft at the beginning of the 1990s, the radar was installed then in development N-011M “Bars” in a prototype of the T-10 / Su-27. At the beginning it was noticed that the extreme weight of N-011M Bars affected the center of gravity of the aircraft, the radar was much heavier than the N-001 radar of the original Su-27. This compelled the designers of the aircraft to adopt some system that supported the frontal surface of the aircraft. The solution of canards appeared to reequilibrate the center of gravity of the aircraft. It was noticed in the flight of tests of the Su-35 that canards had improved the stability of the aircraft, improved the sustentation capacity, in closed maneuvers with very great angles of attack. This change made as much “success” that was adopted in other variants of the Su-27. The down side was that it increased the aerodinamico drag in supersonic regimen and even more increased the wing area of the aircraft, which resulted in an increase of the RCS of the aircraft.those who does not know what's a wing and what a rudder will said funny things like this.
The original Su-35 has "entered service". According to scramble the Su-27M (Su-35) is in the 968 IISAP in the Moscow MD at the Lipetsk air base. One Su-35BM has been built for testing, with two more undergoing construction right now. Around 2-3 regiments are planned (which is 48-72 aircraft) for the VVS. The PAK-FA is scheduled for flight testing and public debut next year. Until then anything you know about it (including costs, effectiveness, likelyhood of entering service etc.) is nothing but rumors.All I know about the SU-35 is that 15 original ones were build but will never enter service. One SU-35BM is in test flights might be exported and Russia plans for 182 of them but with their crumbling defense industry and their tight defense budget I doubt they will get more than 20 of them plus a few for export. Their dreams of the PAK-FA will probably never enter service as well.
The original Su-35 has "entered service". According to scramble the Su-27M (Su-35) is in the 968 IISAP in the Moscow MD at the Lipetsk air base. One Su-35BM has been built for testing, with two more undergoing construction right now. Around 2-3 regiments are planned (which is 48-72 aircraft) for the VVS. The PAK-FA is scheduled for flight testing and public debut next year. Until then anything you know about it (including costs, effectiveness, likelyhood of entering service etc.) is nothing but rumors.
As a general rule, anyone trying to paint a picture in one color is wrong. Things are never as simple as that.
That's the first prototype 901. Others haven't flown so far.Do anyone know if this is the Su-35BM No. 901 or is it the next in line,
No. 902?
Here is the clip;
YouTube - The New SU-35 (second Test-Flight)
Do you know of any other RCS reduction changes on it?OK initially I didnt wanna post this link, but after some communication with AegisFC, I've changed my mind. Others should not be denied the knowledge of it.
This is the history of why the canards appeared on the super Flanker series. Its a hard find coz not many websites talk about it.
But with the new Su35BM, they removed it to reduce the RCS, which was facilitated by the emergence of the IRBIS-E radar.
I think they reduced the RCS of the fan blades in front inlets, by using newer alloys on/in it.Do you know of any other RCS reduction changes on it?
I think they reduced the RCS of the fan blades in front inlets, by using newer alloys on/in it.
Same goes under the wing mounts/weapons mount, you can actually see it on the Youtube clips..
They somehave smoothing(reducing the RCS) on the weapons mount's.
couldn't find the source, sorry..
And would make it awesome as hell in A2G given the Flanker's already incredible range. But Sukhoi never mentioned supercruise about the SU-35BM. This was just speculation on part of the press because they thought it would have 5th-Gen fighter engines. Instead it will just have re-worked AL-31F's with TVC.I remember reading on another website that they manage to reduce the RCS of the plane to the size of an F16. But I cant find the source now, so I'll leave it at that. But the SU35 BM is banking heavily on RAM coating all over the air frame, inside the air inlet, fan blades, cockpit canopy etc.
I would like to know on the supercruise update on the engines though, coz a Flanker with a full supercruise performance as targetted by sukhoi, would be really really tough plane to beat in A2A combat.
And would make it awesome as hell in A2G given the Flanker's already incredible range. But Sukhoi never mentioned supercruise about the SU-35BM. This was just speculation on part of the press because they thought it would have 5th-Gen fighter engines. Instead it will just have re-worked AL-31F's with TVC.
It could be able to supercruise but if it can the Russians haven't announced yet.
And about the RCS of an F-16 thing, you got that from GlobalSecurity (which I personally don't use often).