The west had no problem when they were waging war in the middle east and conducting coups in the Americas. We traded with them normally and no one was talking of sanctions then, but when Russia does the same, just because it is near their doorsteps, all of sudden, the whole world must stand up to meaningless wars and follow the leads our great Moral leaders.
This attitude of either you with us or against us is reminiscing Post Cold war attitude. It is Collective West rights, however the Geopolitical and Geoeconomics calculation also already changed.
BRICS is just an example on that, China and India are at odds with each other, but also still keep business interaction to each other. US and West try to isolate Russia, but other BRICS members basically say we don't want to isolate Russia, and what can you do ?
This is what US do to India for India that doesn't want to isolate Russia. Practically "nothing" and in fact increase relationship and co-op level. Why? Because US need India as leverage against China. US talk India is incremental on reducing Russia oil revenues, as it is buying at discount price.
However that's kind of US comments for many in market is a 'joke'. Everybody (non West) buying Russian oil at discount level not because West 'oil cap', but because Transport costs. Off all Western sanctions, the most effective ones is sanction against insurance on Russian oil transportation at sea. India and China buying at discount to compensate increase costs on Tankers and insurance against it.
Whose benefits on that ? Mostly Chinese insurance market, and Tankers owners that many of them also Russian oligarchs that have those tankers on shadows companies flying other flags. Also don't forget, Chinese and Indian refineries buying those crudes from Russia and export them back to rest of Asia and some even found market in North America.
Shipping firms are charging much higher rates to ship crude from Russia to refining hubs in Asia than they did a year ago, making outsized profits in the process
Many Asians buy those refineries hydrocarbon as it is easier to let Indian and Chinese taking the financial risks (as they bought in bulks bigger capacities), rather then taking financial (and potential Political risk) by themselves.
Is the rest of the World (especially non collective West and allies) agree on what Russian doing ? Off course not. Do they realistically understand what's Russia threat? yes they are. However they also understand Western threat. The West can say they don't threaten anyone, however for non western world, the actions of US and West after cold war practically waving guns to anyone that's 'consider' creating threat to Western interest.
This is shown in UN general assembly voting trends. When talking is Russia fault in invading Ukraine, mostly non West say yes. However the latest votes that practically ask the 'world' to follow Western sanctions movement toward Russia, most of non West increasingly abstain and stay in the fence.
Geopolitical calculation matter, and some of BRICS members like India and Brazil use that toward their own leverage. In fact for many of non West it was as reminiscing of Cold War era, where they're practically playing one side against another. After all everyone are using this for their own leverage.
On personal sides many Asians in many online forums are divide on how they are feeling on this. Off course most against Russian invasion, however quite many also remember how Euro treated initially on non 'white' refugees from Ukraine. How some Euro media don't understand how this war can happen to Euro back door, as supposedly should only happen in others non Euro back yards.
So in the end many simply say, "what do we care", it's the 'whites' fighting each other for change. Do the White going to care if it's happening to us ? Yes Ugly as it seems those sentiments, but this is the results of Geopolitical sentiment after the cold war. West is not a moral guidelines for many Non West especially after Cold War.
Now we are entering what seems new multipolar world order, which for me basically more and more become 'Cold War 2.0".