"I don't even think the radiation issue would be as severe as people assume." Tell that to the UK & NZ nuclear test veterans who are dying from radiation damage caused by the British OP GRAPPLE tests in the 1950s. Plus their children and grandchildren who have genetic damage because of those tests. How much do you know about nuclear radiation?
Next point. Putin and Russia have been told in no uncertain terms what the consequences will be if he uses a nuke. Russia will "suffer catastrophic consequences". That leaves no wiggle room for anybody. NATO will respond because at least one member will trigger Article V. Which member triggers it first depends upon which one detects the radiation in their territory first.
The US president says Russia will become more of a pariah than ever if such weapons are used.
Russian President Vladimir Putin renewed his nuclear threats last week as he escalated his war in Ukraine by calling up reservists and moving to annex occupied areas.
I am Maori and Irish and that can be a problem because both groups like to sing, drink, eat, and fight, and not necessarily in that order.

That's why we are able to run fast - so's we can out run the paddy wagon. Mind you it's not as bad as being Maori and Scottish when one half of you wants to get drunk and the other half of you doesn't want to pay for it.

Us Irish have always been misunderstood.

I am aware of the group who you are talking about because my sister works with some of them over west. I have my own theories about their circumstances and causes for that, but that's neither here nor there.
I don't know if it is possible to use such an analysis WRT Russia because it does have a long history of oppression, imperialism, and expansionism. Whilst Napoleon's great walkingabout of 1812 and the German invasion of WW2 have given it reason to be wary of European powers, it's own behavior over the centuries certainly has caused Europeans and others to be equally wary of it. Over the centuries Moscow / St Petersburg were ever expanding wanting more and more, eventually covering something like five time zones; the only country to do so. Even Aussie only covers two time zones - I am not including the SA 1/2 hour difference; and the US / Canada three time zones.
The European nations and later the US were no saints and when they created their empires they wrought some horrors upon the world. However as time progressed they "grew up" and became less autocratic and oppressive although some had lapses. Unfortunately Russia didn't and hasn't because it never really had an "enlightenment" where the likes of serfdom was put to rest and basic rights and powers began devolving from the aristocracy to the Parliaments. In Russia this never happened until after the Tsars were deposited and communism eventually took control. Unfortunately, the serfs and peasants swapped one form of slavery and oppression for another. When it did overthrow communism and did have a chance of finding what it really wanted as a nation, it was taken over by ex KGB types and robber barons, who reinstituted oppression whilst stealing everything possible.
Hence I cannot really accept your argument that the current Russian leadership, political elite, and nation are in the same league as those whom you speak of, because the Russians, especially the leadership and political elite, had a choice whereas the minority group that you speak of haven't had a choice. The Russian leadership and political elite chose to interfere in Ukrainian internal affairs in order to destabilize it and go to war in order to eradicate Ukraine from the face of the Earth.