Yes I think it's been posted before, but that's of no matter. IMHO the claims of Ukraine being a Nazi state is very much the pot calling the kettle black. Ukraine is far from it, but modern day Russian state is exhibiting the symptoms of a full on fascist kleptocracy. It is not fighting Nazis; it is the Nazis. The general population; the average Ivan and Ludmilla aren't the problem but the Russian state, and it is the average Ivan and Ludmilla who pay the price, not the politicians and oligarchs, bureaucrats, police, security forces, and generals, who support them. Unfortunately the average Ivan and Ludmilla most likely are unaware of the evils that their government commits in their name because they only see on the TV, hear on the radio, read in the newspapers, or access on the internet, what their government allows / wants them too. If by some circumstance they circumvent government restrictions and disagree with government policy out loud, they are then punished severely for speaking their mind. So generally the average Ivan and Ludmilla will keep quiet and accept whatever the government says at face value. What they truly think is kept very close. Yet regardless they are still the ones who pay the price.Russian state owned news outlining the meaning behind denazification published 3rd April;
What should Russia do with Ukraine?
The closing paragraphs of the article talk about moving away from the West and taking a new place of leadership on its own in the developing world. Given Western sanctions and Russia's pariah state diplomatically, I am concerned for the future of Russia deepening its authoritarian control, and dare I say fascist-victim-strongman character. What a tragedy for humanity and the Russian people.
The Russians have had this vision of being world leaders by conquest and diplomacy for centuries. It's something in their genetics because after they are Vikings at heart, who haven't grown up and moved on. (@Feanor is going to choke on his tea. Don't throw the samovar across the room
However as much as the current Russian leadership may think that it will lead an anti western coalition, they are dreaming because they have already shot their bolt. They no longer have the prestige, funding, or ability to achieve that. The poor performance of the Russian military has pricked the myth of Russian military strength and capability. The CCP / PRC will be the probable leader of any authoritarian grouping against liberal democracies after this Russian shambles. They only advantage that they have over the PRC is in their nuclear weapons capability, submarine capability, advanced aero-engine capability especially in metallurgy, space capability, and resources.