That’s the worst idea I ever heard. Giving money for free doesn’t create love/affection, but entitlement. Once you start giving money for free, it is always expected to give more, and you are judged by how little you give compared to how much you keep for yourself. The limited resources the West has are totally insignificant to make a change by giving money for free, but are enough to create the feeling of entitlement. The recipients will feel that the money is rightfully their, and the donors are feeling guilty for their past sins and are paying some form of reparation, but of course, they are not paying enough.Give us money. No strings attached. Well, okay, that's unrealistic. Very minimal strings attached.
No, no. Not lend us money. Give. No strings attached. Lending us money is a business transaction.
What the West should actually do is to stop all giveaways and start to act in a transactional-only way, just like China. There is very little love for the West in the Global South, so all the past spending has been in vain.
As Ananda keeps saying, they are on the fence about the West, Russia or China. For them, they’re all the same. Then why bother to be the “good guys” who give aid if the end result is being seen as the equivalent of China?
The very concept of BRICS means that Russia and China are actually more loved than the West, so maybe the Global South needs some “tough love” from the West as well.