I had a spare 20 minutes, so I thought I'd come up with a thoroughly researched and deeply reasoned solution to NZ's ANZAC replacement requirement and Australia's frustration with NZ's weak commitment to defence. A true win-win solution.
Instead of NZ buying 2-3 ships to replace the ANZACs, we instead buy only one, a single Hunter class frigate. Now here's the genius part; in order to secure NZ's purchase, the Australian Government will then commit to build two extra Hunters for NZ, for FREE.

Kinda a buy one get two free deal.
Why on earth would Australia do that, I hear you ask. Several reasons. Firstly, adding an extra three ships to the build will lower the average hull price across the entire build. Secondly, since the ships are being built in Australia most of the money will go straight back into the Australian economy, securing jobs and helping ensure the success of Australia's continuous build policy. Thirdly, the ships will be manned, armed and operated by the RNZN, so for the cost of two hulls Australia will have gained an ally with three powerful warships, increased interoperability and will have added to the combined strength of both nations.
We just need Australia to come to the party.