Royal New Zealand Navy Discussions and Updates


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As stated Mr C the build contract was $640 for 2 plus a $250 sustainment contract for 5 years.
The white paper allowed 1.2b so I'm presuming that's a contingency. What's relevant is a contract to build cf a contract to build whatever IHI have signed for.
I actually think that both contracts will well serve the needs of both services and the nuances of their requirements in the years ahead including when joined in a coalition taskforce.

The RNZN have done their homework on this and the project has obviously been scoped as a stream of outcomes in a collective NZDF sense that references partner nations.

Rob c

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Fair point about the F-16 cancellation.

The lack of press coverage might have something to do with Defence not being as controversial in 2016 compared to 2001. The MSM media's modus operandi is that if you cannot go negative and controversial about something you simply ignore it.
Unfortunately you are dead right, the negative always sells better than the positive. It does show that we are heading in the right direction in regard to the public/publicity/pollies, but also shows that we have away to go.

Rob c

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Well true yes but the key difference now is that was in the days RNZN had mutliple survey / research vessels (eg: Monowai, Tui, Tarapunga, Takapu) but now that's 1 LOSV which will also be required to do much, much more than just littoral survey. Your point about modular systems is correct though, should allow (S)OPV to play a part in this.
I would think that by now much if not all of the of the ground work in regard to surveying has been done and that the requirement would be only updating and with modern GPS, Satellites and sonar this would be a lot easier and quicker to achieve, so require far less ship time than previously. In the late 1970's I was invited as part of a group on to HMS Monowai when she first arrived in Wellington. While on board we were told that in some remote area's Cpt Cooks charts were still in use and a significant portion of the coast was still using information from charts made before 1900. The work to rectify this was completed some time ago I believe so the need for dedicated survey vessels has past.

Rob c

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Sadly Rob, Cyclone Winston in Fiji demonstrated that this just isn't the case. Listen to the captain of the Canterbury - "last surveyed in the 1880's":
Yes but that is Fiji, which is not our responsibility, the surveying of Fijian waters is up to the government of Fiji to arrange and prior to their Independence it was the British government's responsibility. It has never been our responsibility. We may have helped in the past,and may do in the future, I don't know. But it is not our baby.


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Verified Defense Pro
Well true yes but the key difference now is that was in the days RNZN had mutliple survey / research vessels (eg: Monowai, Tui, Tarapunga, Takapu) but now that's 1 LOSV which will also be required to do much, much more than just littoral survey. Your point about modular systems is correct though, should allow (S)OPV to play a part in this.
No actually, the work was done back in the late 50's and during the 1960s well before Tui, Tarapunga & Takapu were acquired and Tarapunga & Takapu would not have been capable of sailing in the Southern Ocean. They were Inshore Survey Craft based on the Moa Class IPC. It was oceanographic work not hydrographic - big difference. I used to have some of the science papers that were published from those voyages, hence my knowledge of them.
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Staff member
Came across this piece on the new tanker for NZ, seems defence news is showing the price as 348m NZD take into account the additional price of the ice belt and it seems comparable with the RAN build.

New Zealand Orders New Fleet Tanker
I still have my hunch that the NZ$493 million quoted in the original presser included a sustainment package. The RAN ships were $640m for two plus an additional sustainment package.


Well-Known Member
No actually, the work was done back in the late 50's and during the 1960s well before Tui, Tarapunga & Takapu were acquired and Tarapunga & Takapu would not have been capable of sailing in the Southern Ocean. They were Inshore Survey Craft based on the Moa Class IPC. It was oceanographic work not hydrographic - big difference. I used to have some of the science papers that were published from those voyages, hence my knowledge of them.
Yep agree Ngati, my point was more about I think it stinks NIWA might have to rely on RNZN when the latter won't have as many vessels as in the past, but then again, as you stated yourself survey systems are largely modular these days so NIWA may be able to provide their own modules to spend time on LOSV, SOPV & OPV. In that case things don't look quite so bad, but it comes back to basic penny-pincing!

I assume only the SOPV offer ice-strengthened capability for NIWA should they require it (seems they do currently) so hopefully NIWA won't expect too many hours in the ice bucket!
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Active Member
OK, thought experiment time. What ship, presumably from the USN Pacific Fleet, could the US send that would deflate the protest movement the most? No USCG, USNS ships allowed, has to be USN.

Personally I would love to see the protesters sailing out their flotilla only to meet the USNS Mercy hospital ship, but that doesn't meet the criteria.:p3

Maybe an Avenger class wooden mine-warfare vessel from San Diego or Sasebo? They must be nearing retirement and could use a jolly. A LCS from Singapore (would it make it without breaking down)?

kiwi in exile

Active Member
USN ship to visit New Zealand. Excellent!!

Exclusive: US ship to visit NZ after 33 years - National - NZ Herald News

Already the far left wing rabble led by Val Morse, go ahead and google her, you will love her (sic) is already planning a protest.

I have no problem locking these traitors up for a few days for there own good while our USN friends are here. I am Mr Conservative after all. :)
Just to play devils advocate: I'm not a fan of Ms Morse either, but wouldnt a safe peacful protest be a great signal to other nations how much of a robust democracy NZ and also the US have, and how much we value free speech. Locking them up wouldn't really be the right message.

In other news RNZN facebook has photos of sprites and p3s dropping Mk 46 torpedos in RIMPAC. This shows that we still have some in stock and they are obviously within their best before date (there was talk of them being expired on this thread AFAIK). Hopefully there will be some video relaesed of the Penguin missile firing. Previously I remember seeing video of NZ sprite Maverick shots and a news video about a $800 000 Sea sparrow launch at a previous RIMPAC. Happy that we are expending some of this stock as hopefully this brings us closer to replacing
the limited weapons we have now with something more useful.


Active Member
Well pesonally i dont think we should cater to the whims of protestors,thankfully they no longer have the political influence they used to have! Id like to see an Arleigh Burke class destroyer here, id take time off work to see one! one can dream,i suppose.


Well-Known Member
OK, thought experiment time. What ship, presumably from the USN Pacific Fleet, could the US send that would deflate the protest movement the most? No USCG, USNS ships allowed, has to be USN.
Won't happen but would love to see a San Antonio class LPD visit, give the politicians something to think about in term of C&C amphibious assault and having a ship which could add to the effectiveness of the next gen Frigate with distributed lethality capabilty within a task force

Personally I would love to see the protesters sailing out their flotilla only to meet the USNS Mercy hospital ship, but that doesn't meet the criteria.:p3
Would certainly be a sight to see!!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Just to play devils advocate: I'm not a fan of Ms Morse either, but wouldnt a safe peacful protest be a great signal to other nations how much of a robust democracy NZ and also the US have, and how much we value free speech. Locking them up wouldn't really be the right message.
They can have their stupid little protest, but the moment these clowns get in the way or try to obstruct our guests or the NZ public welcoming them - lock them up.

That said people like Morse are nothing more than terrorists - she and her ilk only got off on a technicality over the Urewera Raid, Helen Clark had every right to come down hard on them - shame the local cops were out of their depth in executing the plan. Morse once burnt the flag during ANZAC day ceremony.

At least Nicky Hager has said it will bury the old nuke issue - calling it a win. But the evil twisted haters and wreckers like Morse I have no tolerance for. It wont be a peaceful protest - it will just be offensive, violent, and a waste of police and court time, embarrassing to us and our guests.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Well pesonally i dont think we should cater to the whims of protestors,thankfully they no longer have the political influence they used to have! Id like to see an Arleigh Burke class destroyer here, id take time off work to see one! one can dream,i suppose.
As for visiting vessels I would love to have the USS America (LHA-6) make an appearance though a Ticonderoga Class would be quite a statement and an Arleigh Burke would be excellent as well.

I agree it should be a USN real warship and not some sort of wishy-washy feel good factor hippie ship. It is a Navy celebration not some sort of logistics Woodstock. Have to say it would be quite amusing if they sent the USS Ponce.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
USN ship to visit New Zealand. Excellent!!

Exclusive: US ship to visit NZ after 33 years - National - NZ Herald News

Already the far left wing rabble led by Val Morse, go ahead and google her, you will love her (sic) is already planning a protest.

I have no problem locking these traitors up for a few days for there own good while our USN friends are here. I am Mr Conservative after all. :)
Barbed wire surrounded encampment at Waiouru with tent accommodation and one blanket each. Ships biscuits and bully beef. What ho old boy :D