Good to see that you haven't stopped plugging the old KC-390 there Toby.I still believe Brazil's Embraer KC-390 could be the better aircraft replacing the venerable C-130 Hercules. if Brazil can produce them at half the price Lockheed can build Hercs, buying them would be a no brainer. Similar cargo lift, similar short take offs and landings, similar tanking capacity, and much more speed at half the price.... Since New Zealand has forgone the ASW upgrades for the Orions, the KC-390 will probably be as good at ocean surveillance as well...
One aircraft doing three tasks better and quicker than the two aircraft they use currently... At half the price.... Go for it.... Considering New Zealand's most likely trade of a number of NZLAVs for American Strykers, the Strykers can be airlifted by the KC 390s... True, the NZLAVs can't be airlifted by the KC-390s but the Canterbury is more than able to ship them...
There is no need to copy Australia, there is no need to buy more expensive P-8 Poseidons, there is no need to buy more expensive and slower new C-130s. Buy more economical to operate KC-390s...
They will go with Lockheed it is simple as that. Its political.