"...transitioning...into new capabilities centred around the JATF..." - that's positive to hear as it means a fresh, wide ranging view of transport requirements is being considered - not afraid to change & free of blinkers! We have to get the transport fleet right - it's a very long-term investment that will largely dictate JATF deployment options for decades to come. Anyway that's preaching to the converted!Chris the whole air mobility study is not just about the replacement of the C-130 and B757. They have been looking at ALL options across the spectrum. Strategic and Tactical and not limited to fixed wing only. (There is a 3 Sqd pilot with RAF Chinooks right now and he is there their to learn - they dont place pilots in irrelevant exchange slots). That could even include a large tactical rotary such as yes - the CH-47, which with a C-17 and in the context of where and how we are likely to operate in the future as a JATF is not to be discounted as much as any number of possible operating vignettes we suggest.
The air mobility study is also about transitioning from the current way we operate with the current capabilities into new capabilities centred around the JATF. That is why I argue that keeping the C-130 around longer cannot be ruled out and the the time frame of this transition has flexible dates. So if we are speculating alternatives or possibilities the net is wider than people think beyond the obvious. I'd say there are going to be some surprises.
What is starting to really get me excited about the C17 story is Brownlee has stated in the Sunday Star Times article that he finds it odd that the NZDF has significant amounts of equipment and limited ability to deploy it (not withstanding HMNZS Canterbury) so he certaimly comes across as very keen on the idea. But then blow me down - Phil Goff has apparently give support in principle! Such cross-parliament agreement on defence matters is so incredibly rare these days that it's quite possibly a lot more likely that I have anticipated.
Article below states 2-4 being considered - think that might just be a guesstimate, besides must be tight on numbers of available white-tails.
PressReader - Connecting People Through News (search on 'C17')
Reports: NZ considering C-17 acquisition | Australian Aviation