To talk about the full budgetary issues in Canada (including some provinces that are worse than our federal government) would take too much time and effort not to mention boring everyone. My examples are only to indicate the direction junior is going. The estimated refugee cost is being projected at 1.2 billion (not 700m)assuming 25,000 actually come. There was one report stating this number could rise to 50,000 by the end of 2016 but I can't see this happening. Australian GDP is somewhat less than Canada's but your population is one third less so your productivity is better.
I don't actually see the direction so far as being bad, At least not on the face of it.. How they are implemented though will matter (ie: The $10 billion climate fund in Australia is set up to be for profit, And so far are making around 7% returns which is considered bloody amazing considering how new it is).
I have done quick google checks and news searches and could only come up with figures of
- 25,000 Syrian and Iraqi refugees by Junior at under $700m
- 10,000 by years end and 9,000 a year for the following four years by Tom Malcair (Not costed)
- 50,000 by years end by former chief of defence staff Rick Hillier.
Can not find a single costing higher then this, If you know of a credible source I appreciate it if you shared it, I am curious about world affairs and how various nations handle similar issues.
In regards to productivity, If based purely off of GDP per a capita then we are 17.5% better then Canada but this figure gets distorted when you look at the cost of living on both nations.