I was fortunate to have an extensive tour of Choules this week and I cam away very impressed.
For Pikkies follow the link (Sorry about quality as they were taken on my phone).
Came up the the accommodation ladder and into a proper QM lobby (makes it had to sneek on board when you have been a naughty boy!).
Then in onto the main internal deck. Surprised of the width of the passage ways and the smooth bulkheads with nothing to get snagged on. Had a look at the troops staging rooms and EMF cafeteria. The galley is a sight to behold and is bigger than Stirling's. Went up to the bridge via very wide stair well size steps ( these are everywhere except engineering spaces). Got to the bridge panting ...(The ship is 12 decks high from the deck plates to the bridge). The bridge is massive and uncluttered and very very modern. The View from the bride is very very impressive and everything else looks quite small in including Sirius!
Next we had a look of the crew accommodation and all i can say is OMG!, it is amazing. Massive single rooms for Chiefs and PO's with proper beds, on-sweet, fridge, TV...soooo jealous. The seniors mess is massive and very comfortable. Didn't see the juniors but apparently it is very nice also and im sure the officer accommodation is even better again.
Then it was out onto the flight deck which is massive and a look inside the "Tent" which seems very sturdily built and easily big enough for two Helos. On the
Flight deck they where busy pulling the propulsion units off the Mexifloates, Which had spent the trip inside the vehicle deck in bits and had now been put together and trials of mating them to the their stowed position on the ship side was under place.
Back down to the main deck and had a quick glimpse of the sickbay which seems to have two wards ( no idea how many beds) a operating room and a treatment room.
Then it was down to the MCR and the engineering spaces. Again very modern with unmanned spaces. Basically you enter the the MCR and then either go into the PORT or STBD "Green Mile" so called because they run the length of some of the vehicle deck and all of the dock on either side and the deck is green

). From the green mile's you can head down to the various spaces, like the propulsion rooms which each has a 12 cylinder and a 8 cylinder running into alternators or the Pod rooms. All Very High Voltage stuff which is new to the RAN with this ship, but it most definitely they way of the future.
Over all the ship company seem very happy and proud of their new toy. I was also very stinky and a bit tired after climbing all those bloody stairs!.