For the Greens, a pristine global environment represents earthly perfection. It underpins their “ecological wisdom”
[41] and is at the core of the new ethic.
[42] It is to be protected and promoted at all costs. Hence, all old growth forests are to be locked up;
[43] logging is to be prohibited; wealth is to be scorned;
[44] economic growth is opposed;
[45] exclusive ownership of property is questioned;
[46] there should be a moratorium of fossil fuels exploration;
[47] dam construction should be discouraged;
[48] genetic engineering and agricultural monoculture is rejected;
[49] world trade should be reduced;
[50] and a barter economy encouraged.
It explains why the Greens believe the world’s population is excessive and should be reduced,
[52] and why human consumption should be cut.
The Greens also call for “the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to be amended to include rights to a healthy natural environment and intergenerational rights to natural and cultural resources”.
[54] In turn, the Greens would be able to rely on international courts and
fora to press their agenda. It also explains their concept of “intergenerational rights”:
[55] a concept squarely aimed at the defence of their belief in “Gaia”, or the perfect pristine earthly environment.