Royal Australian Navy Discussions and Updates 2.0


Well-Known Member
Canberra was alongside in what are declared Naval waters. That means that innocent passage, on the water or in the air, is usually permitted but that they may be closed, and access denied, at short notice. Landing a drone on a ship is not “innocent passage”; so legally the Navy could take an appropriate and proportionate response to cause the operator to cease and desist. That has, in the past, included disabling craft breaching a closure when it has been safe to do so. This would include incapacitating a drone when there is little or no probability of injury to person or property. That would have been the case here.

However, the ship is alongside in its home port; and it looks to be at a time which is not normal working hours. So the probability of any of the Ship’s Company being on the flight deck, and actually seeing the thing is low. In any case, in home port, force protection at normal alert states is provided by the Naval Police who man the Dockyard, not by the ship itself.
Is there any information on what the Naval Police can do about drones boarding ships or if they have any plans to address such, in this case the landing of a drone may have been a prank but should the navy and police come up with policies and procedures identifying and mitigating risks of less innocent incidents


Well-Known Member
I can assure you they're not going to be shooting anything at Kuttabul, there's residential buildings within 100 metres of the base. Would be nice to see the MPs get some of those drone guns from DroneShield that everyone but the ADF seems to be buying lately. Otherwise they should just focus on catching the pilots, so long as it's just camera drones they aren't really getting any angles of the ships not visible from outside the base anyway.
While in port the crew should be armed with a few automatic shot guns. Far simpler solution. No 1 or 2 buckshot will do the job and anything that carried outside will do as much damage as hundreds and thousands falling off a sandwich.


Super Moderator
Staff member
While in port the crew should be armed with a few automatic shot guns. Far simpler solution. No 1 or 2 buckshot will do the job and anything that carried outside will do as much damage as hundreds and thousands falling off a sandwich
It's not an impossible proposition. But I doubt it would be green lit. Also drones violate space but also stay out of the range of the shotgun. Not sure the ritzy residents next door appreciate wild gun fire at UFOs..

We could train wedgetail eagles to hunt drones, and pigeons and seagulls. This would provide 24-7 capability, against multiple threats drones and birds which also nest and crap everywhere.. damaging radars etc. But also making drone detection more reliable.

In WA a pair of Wedgies have taken down over $100,000 in drones.

We wouldn't even be alone in operating that kind of capability.


They also offer an opportunity to do community engagement, sporting events, regional deployments, airfield clearance. Also maybe assist in keeping magpies under control around the base during breeding season.

Of course we would have to decide if we need Navy and Airforce falcons.. If Eagles or falcons are better placed. But the idea of a Wedgetail eagle with kevlar protection taking out drones/birds seems, intriguing.
A longer 3 minute+ video can be viewed here on the channel 7 website.
The japanese are being very clear and aggressive on this. It is absolutely clear that it is the new larger mogamis FFM30 that is being offered, that the ship is only 15% different from the existing class. That this is the 10th ship being launched of the original Mogami's in 5 years, currently averaging 1.5y from laying down to launching. Also the Japanese believe their offering has superior range and speed over the Germans.

Its an impressive build. If they laid down the first Mogami next year that means if they build them at the same rate, they would have 10 built in the water by 2030. If they build them at the same rate as they currently, the first in class of this type.

While the German bid is also very strong and capable, and the 200 is a known quantity, and possibly much more flexible in terms of fit out (at least initially), the Japanese are clearly very, very serious about Mogami. For the Japanese, the rate at which they can build ships is part of the deterrent capability to China.

I also see Japan is offering to buy munitions from Australia if the Mogami is selected, including NSM.


Well-Known Member
New Video from ATLA and Mitsubishi
Some of the capabilities presented are interesting, notably on the CIC/Combat System integration with AEGIS via Link 16 and that amazing near 360/Star Trek like screen/consoles.

It goes back to the earlier point, would you want to keep the 9LV (other than commonality/training/maintanance) if someone is offer a CMS that appears to be better?

ATLA pointedly called those consoles a "traditional" setup that is manpower intensive.

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Well-Known Member
It's not an impossible proposition. But I doubt it would be green lit. Also drones violate space but also stay out of the range of the shotgun. Not sure the ritzy residents next door appreciate wild gun fire at UFOs..

We could train wedgetail eagles to hunt drones, and pigeons and seagulls. This would provide 24-7 capability, against multiple threats drones and birds which also nest and crap everywhere.. damaging radars etc. But also making drone detection more reliable.

In WA a pair of Wedgies have taken down over $100,000 in drones.

We wouldn't even be alone in operating that kind of capability.

View attachment 52110

They also offer an opportunity to do community engagement, sporting events, regional deployments, airfield clearance. Also maybe assist in keeping magpies under control around the base during breeding season.

Of course we would have to decide if we need Navy and Airforce falcons.. If Eagles or falcons are better placed. But the idea of a Wedgetail eagle with kevlar protection taking out drones/birds seems, intriguing.

The japanese are being very clear and aggressive on this. It is absolutely clear that it is the new larger mogamis FFM30 that is being offered, that the ship is only 15% different from the existing class. That this is the 10th ship being launched of the original Mogami's in 5 years, currently averaging 1.5y from laying down to launching. Also the Japanese believe their offering has superior range and speed over the Germans.

Its an impressive build. If they laid down the first Mogami next year that means if they build them at the same rate, they would have 10 built in the water by 2030. If they build them at the same rate as they currently, the first in class of this type.

While the German bid is also very strong and capable, and the 200 is a known quantity, and possibly much more flexible in terms of fit out (at least initially), the Japanese are clearly very, very serious about Mogami. For the Japanese, the rate at which they can build ships is part of the deterrent capability to China.

I also see Japan is offering to buy munitions from Australia if
Kangaroos hate drones as well. Between roos and wedgetails you might have natures own layered, anti-drone air defence system.



Well-Known Member
Some of the capabilities presented are interesting, notably on the CIC/Combat System integration with AEGIS via Link 16 and that amazing near 360/Star Trek like screen/consoles.

It goes back to the earlier point, would you want to keep the 9LV (other than commonality/training/maintanance) if someone is offer a CMS that appears to be better?

ATLA pointedly called those consoles a "traditional" setup that is manpower intensive.

Why get HMS Victory when we can get the USS Enterprise NCC-1701E


Well-Known Member
That CIC looks amazing.

Too late to change the Hunters??
The Hunters for what they are designed for will be excellent ships. Don't change them unless it's for the Hobart replacement after the first six hulls.
The Evolved Mogamis, if the government is smart enough to choose them, are the next evolution in our surface fleet. Going back to the A200 just because we built a very successful version of the Meko 200 in the Anzac class is backward thinking. We need room to move and improve in the design. Evolved Mogami has it, A200 doesn't.
Please , someone give me a well paying job advising these morons. I just own a hobby shop in Hawthorn East selling models!!!!!


Well-Known Member
The Hunters for what they are designed for will be excellent ships. Don't change them unless it's for the Hobart replacement after the first six hulls.
The Evolved Mogamis, if the government is smart enough to choose them, are the next evolution in our surface fleet. Going back to the A200 just because we built a very successful version of the Meko 200 in the Anzac class is backward thinking. We need room to move and improve in the design. Evolved Mogami has it, A200 doesn't.
Please , someone give me a well paying job advising these morons. I just own a hobby shop in Hawthorn East selling models!!!!!
My comment was tongue in cheek, and you’re absolutely right.


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
Just a couple of things about the Mogami CIC. It does look good. My view is that combat operators and warfare officers will like it (on the asumption that it is the final selection). It is however not that revolutionary or different to more traditional CICs.

Many of the components are similar to existing CICs. If you walked into the ANZAC CIC it would have modern consols for AAW, USW, EOTS and comms. It would have command positions and plot tables similar to the Mogami video. Just different brands.

The ANZACs also have Link16 and communicate with other assets (ships and aircraft) across it. There is a nice circular arrangement for the Mogami, but otherwise function for function the Mogami CIC is relatively similar to the ANZAC in capability and work arrangement.

In some cases this would be analogous to Google/Apple/Windows type view points

I think the video might have oversold link 16. Yes it can connect platform target pictures and can be used to provide a remote firing solution (aircraft to ship, ship to ship, ship to shore, ship to satellite, etc). It can work with Aegis and it can work with other combat systems just as well. It's not new, it's a 1980s technology. It is good, but its not space aged.

What the ANZAC doesn't have is the u-beaut 360 deg screens around the CIC. These are great but not essential. ANZACs also do not have the machinery operation and damage control consols within CIC, these located in the MCC down near the engine rooms. I will note that including these in the CIC will make it very noisy (maintenance technicians have no idea how to speak quietly).


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Just a couple of things about the Mogami CIC. It does look good. My view is that combat operators and warfare officers will like it (on the asumption that it is the final selection). It is however not that revolutionary or different to more traditional CICs.

Many of the components are similar to existing CICs. If you walked into the ANZAC CIC it would have modern consols for AAW, USW, EOTS and comms. It would have command positions and plot tables similar to the Mogami video. Just different brands.

The ANZACs also have Link16 and communicate with other assets (ships and aircraft) across it. There is a nice circular arrangement for the Mogami, but otherwise function for function the Mogami CIC is relatively similar to the ANZAC in capability and work arrangement.

In some cases this would be analogous to Google/Apple/Windows type view points

I think the video might have oversold link 16. Yes it can connect platform target pictures and can be used to provide a remote firing solution (aircraft to ship, ship to ship, ship to shore, ship to satellite, etc). It can work with Aegis and it can work with other combat systems just as well. It's not new, it's a 1980s technology. It is good, but its not space aged.

What the ANZAC doesn't have is the u-beaut 360 deg screens around the CIC. These are great but not essential. ANZACs also do not have the machinery operation and damage control consols within CIC, these located in the MCC down near the engine rooms. I will note that including these in the CIC will make it very noisy (maintenance technicians have no idea how to speak quietly).
I would add that the current configuration ANZACs, let alone the enhanced configuration that was planned were very capable second tier warships.

The issue is the hulls were too small and too old.

We had everything available to design and build an extremely capable, and superior tier II warship for the RAN instead of upgrading the ANZACs again, and starting the Arafuras.

Designing and building the ship platform is easy in comparison to integrating and upgrading systems, especially on a too tight, too old platform.

Why didn't we do it?

Maybe politics, maybe something else, I believe it's cultural cringe and poor leadership. The average Aussie, I include politicians, senior public and private sector leaders, as well as the average worker or person, honestly believes smart, qualified people are stupid and incompetent.

We happily follow admin types, clerks, MBAs, lawyers, union officials, even tradies, sports stars, celebrities, single issue dropkicks, and billionaires, so long as they are "a good bloke" and don't seem too smart. Hell we even label many of them as geniuses when they demonstrably aren't.

But stand up an engineer or scientist, or even a technical professional as a leader, and everyone tears them down.

The things that work well in this country are the things that are run by small teams of professionals that fly under the radar. Why, because the second they are big, there is a conga line of self agrandising prats demanding all the senior roles, recognition and rewards.

I've been on well run small projects that work well, that are then wrecked as they grow and are taken over by thrusting MBAs and their sycophants.

Government then tries to fix them by bringing in retired (passed over) leaders and overseas experts. The situation is recovered but the projects reputation is shot. The mess is blamed on the "stupid smart people" who fixed it, as the guilty parties move onwards and upwards.

The whole process then repeats.

What is the answer?

Stop promoting and listening to unqualified, inexperienced, non technical, often unintelligent, while sidelining technical experts and in particular, technical generalists.

That is probably the biggest issue, technical experts are tolerated as subordinates to non technical managers, who classify themselves as generalists (because they have no technical knowledge at all) but technical generalists are deliberately excluded from all but the lowest levels.

Every major defence, in particular naval project, should have a technical generalist, a senior operator ( ideally in PM or capability roles) and a senior maintainer, at the highest levels. The admin and non technical PM's should be in support, not leading and not advising government.


Active Member
"Stop promoting and listening to unqualified, inexperienced, non technical, often unintelligent ..."
Does that mean you disapprove of the idea of kangaroo's for drone defense??! Think outside the box bud!

What a combined pro deterrent/ pro tourism sideline with Tourism Australia? Surely we can feature both Lara Bingle and Skippy the drone defender in a SuperBowl commercial to promote both our beauty and brawn!? Just think of the possibilities ... dPM will love it!



Well-Known Member
HMAS Toowoomba (156) now with NSM fitted, following Ballarat(155). Perth(157) on the hardstand now.
Surely Arunta(151) is next with only 2 years left of service.
Maybe they will drag out Arunta's decommissioning if they do the NSM upgrade. Anzac is a Christmas Tree being stripped for parts. A decision on the GPF is taking WWAAYY too long. I feel it's all political. If the balloon goes up we are all screwed. When was the last time a federal politician had the security of the nation at heart?