Royal Australian Navy Discussions and Updates 2.0


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Did you listen the whole thing? From your questions I don’t think you did.

The scenario was set in 2024 and was a ruse that the Chinese ships would pass Australia 200 mile economic zone but then turned to attack. Australians knew they were coming and in this scenario, which is close to impossible had the entire Fleet and airforce at hand except for subs. Put all that to game play ….

My question surrounds the outcome based on a handful of Chinese destroyers getting within range to start lobbing PL15 missiles at Anzacs and Hobarts. It’s seemed like after the first 8-10 odd missiles per ship they were basically defenceless and had no way of striking back at the chineses who launched their attack from 150 miles away. They just had to wait for the chinese missiles to get within range of the SM and ESSMs.
I watched the whole thing a whiles back and I agree with @Morgo @Redlands18 and @Mark_Evans FYI I follow their channel so am familiar with how they do things.


Well-Known Member

Always find this guys videos interesting. In this case he discussing Australia’s new nuclear submarine capability and how it would shape the future of the nation. He also gives a good explanation of asymmetrical submarine capability as used by Germany and the Soviet Union to combat the superior conventional forces.

Does a pretty good job of explaining the difference in capability between nuclear and conventional submarines. He goes into details not only about the Virginia and Aukus submarines but also the Collins upgrade and the Attack class program.

Anyway if you have a spare couple of hours it is worth listening to.
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John Fedup

The Bunker Group

Always find this guys videos interesting. In this case he discussing Australia’s new nuclear submarine capability and how it would shape the future of the nation. He also gives a good explanation of asymmetrical submarine capability as used by Germany and the Soviet Union to combat the superior conventional forces.

Does a pretty good job of explaining the difference in capability between nuclear and conventional submarines. He goes into details not only about the Virginia and Aukus submarines but also the Collins upgrade and the Attack class program.

Anyway if you have a spare couple of hours it is worth listening to.
I watched the entire video and totally agree it’s worth the time investment.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Worth remembering the Germans lost, twice, and the USSR wasn’t exactly successful…..


Well-Known Member
If Germany had invested earlier in Type 21 boats instead of numerous batshit crazy weapon concepts the outcome may have been different.
That wouldnt have made much difference so late, Had they gone all out on Type 7 and 9's rather then building battleships and battlecruisers along with their various odd programs would have been a bigger difference. Could have entered the war with hundreds rather then dozens


Well-Known Member
I watched the entire video and totally agree it’s worth the time investment.
It may have been posted elsewhere and I missed it but I had not realised the AUKUS hull to be a double with anechoic tiles on the inner and perhaps in a follow on to the Astute class unconventional bow it states its bow is modelled on the whale (cant unsee it now lol)

John Fedup

The Bunker Group
It may have been posted elsewhere and I missed it but I had not realised the AUKUS hull to be a double with anechoic tiles on the inner and perhaps in a follow on to the Astute class unconventional bow it states its bow is modelled on the whale (cant unsee it now lol)
As a derivative of the Dreadnought class, the AUKUS SSN wii likely have a significant amount of exotic quieting technology incorporated into its design.


Well-Known Member
In the previous video it made mention of special electronic quietening technology the Virginia class had I don't know if the Astute has so would be interesting if that also gets shared


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Worth remembering the Germans lost, twice, and the USSR wasn’t exactly successful…..
The Battle of the Atlantic during WW2 was a close run thing, and Churchill is believed to have said that it was the only thing that kept him awake at night. Huff Duff and Enigma were the best weapon that the allies had for countering the U Boats, because Donitz was being a control freak and insisted upon regular and sighting reports from the U Boats at sea. Of course once the U Boats started transmitting the RN ships would be able to detect and approximate position. Of course once the allies closed the aircover gap, especially with B-24 Liberators, and the CVEs, the U Boats had a far harder time of it. The other point to remember is that the USN sub fleet sunk the Japanese merchant marine and effectively blockaded Japan. That was one very successful sub campaign.


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Long-range patrol aircraft with radar, improving as the war went on, cued on to a search area by Huff-Duff, played a major role. When they could pick up a u-boat snorkel, u-boat crews just had to pray.
Yes, IIRC this was because the British had unlocked the centimetre wav length capabilities and installed those ASV radars on aircraft.


Well-Known Member

Always find this guys videos interesting. In this case he discussing Australia’s new nuclear submarine capability and how it would shape the future of the nation. He also gives a good explanation of asymmetrical submarine capability as used by Germany and the Soviet Union to combat the superior conventional forces.

Does a pretty good job of explaining the difference in capability between nuclear and conventional submarines. He goes into details not only about the Virginia and Aukus submarines but also the Collins upgrade and the Attack class program.

Anyway if you have a spare couple of hours it is worth listening to.
A lot of work to put this presentation all together.
Well worth a look.

Cheers S

Rob c

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
That wouldnt have made much difference so late, Had they gone all out on Type 7 and 9's rather then building battleships and battlecruisers along with their various odd programs would have been a bigger difference. Could have entered the war with hundreds rather then dozens
There were several factors that did not allow this to happen.
Germany had a naval treaty with GB which until the war started put restrictions on what they could have in relation to the RN.
The time factor from when the Nazi's took power and under a peace time economy would not have allowed it to happen. and while the capital ships Germany had did not achieve a lot they did tie up large forces until their destruction.


Well-Known Member
There were several factors that did not allow this to happen.
Germany had a naval treaty with GB which until the war started put restrictions on what they could have in relation to the RN.
The time factor from when the Nazi's took power and under a peace time economy would not have allowed it to happen. and while the capital ships Germany had did not achieve a lot they did tie up large forces until their destruction.
The Washington and London naval treaty's were signed by GB, France, Italy, US and Japan. Germany was never a signatory but was dictated to by both Treaty's and was not allowed to build anything bigger than 10,000t, thus the reason the Deutschland class were built. A 2nd London Treaty was organised in 1936 but was signed by only the US, France and GB and her dominions (the only time Aus, Can and NZ got to sign instead of being part of the GB fleet) but Japan and Italy withdrew and began designing and building Battleships that exceeded the 35,000t limit. Hitler had also decided by this time to ignore the limitations set by the 1930 treaty and began planning the Scharnhorst's and Bismarck's.
But the three Axis powers had basically decided to ignore the naval treaty's by the mid 1930s and the Allies stuck with the limitations set in 1936 right up to the war broke out but with the vastly superior construction capability of GB and the US, were able to build 16 Battleships by 1944 to just 7 by the Axis powers.


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Staff member
A lot of work to put this presentation all together.
Well worth a look.
Someone must be feeding him.

I am still skeptical of a AU-UK submarine. In Australia's context, we don't need a sovereign unique design separate from the Americans. If we could build Virginia's that would be seen as a success.