Darwin is fine for a couple of years but sucks when you hit a decade.
Career wise it's really hard for technical people, the small population meaning a lot of people with no idea, no qualifications, no experience get senior roles while the rare few highly technically competent people who, unless they specifically come up to do a job, hit the ground and are often. mis or under employed by the Idiocracy.
Senior competent people get pissed of very quickly, while morons are rocketed through the ranks "cos they're a good bloke or an awesome chick".
Ex truck or bus driver, a flight attendant, or trades assistant, cool you can be a data analyst, or a ship manager. Ex Greenie kellick enrolled in (but not started) an engineering degree, cool you are our electrical engineer and here's the grad to do your work for you. Ex chief who retired before the old DDGs did, who may or may not know how to do his shoe laces, yep you can be the technical manager.
What most demonstrates my issue with Darwin is this. I was born there and against my wishes spent about a third of my life there. Talking to an old codger he says, how long have you been here, "I was born here".
"When were you born",
I tell him.
He replies"I came here in 196...." "I'm a terratorian and you are a blow in".
Me, "Nah mate, you are a f*ckwit".
Darwin is a paradise for self important bogans.