One benefit of joining GCAP is that we might be able to do a reciprocal deal with the MQ-28.Certainly I think Australia would be a welcome customer for GCAP. It has good relations with all three members, especially the UK (thanks, AUKUS). Japan would see the benefit of having a friendly state like Australia equipped with long range, sixth-gen aircraft. Italy would be happy for the extra income, even if it's a bit shruggy over the Pacific.
But a word of caution, Australia would be a customer, not a partner. The 2035 delivery window is vital for Japan, and unless Australia is already in discussions about joining there simply won't be time to reorganise work shares and the like. Maybe it could be involved in the project down the road, but not as a core member.
I know Japan is already considering the Ghost Bat for their combat support unmanned aircraft program.

Boeing Japan Secures ATLA Contract for Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle Simulations - Asian Military Review
On December 10, ATLA announced a contract with Boeing Japan for research and development of combat UAVs with manned aircraft.

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