John Newman
The Bunker Group
Not that I think it's going to happen, but for the sake of the 'what if', I'd think it would be more Super Hornets, at least in the medium term.What are the options should the worst case scenario occur and the F-35 is cancelled? More Shortnets? Typhoon? Gripen? What other options are there....?:eek
Pentagon considers canceling F-35 program | Aviation & Air Force News at DefenceTalk
We've got 24 near new F's in service and added to that will be the 12 Growlers in the coming few years, being in service now and a known entity would certainly make more Super Hornets the obvious choice and they will still be in USN service till around 2030 too.
And that would allow us time to see what the US military would do, as far as looking for a replacement program, if they were put in that situation too.
Can't see it happening, but if it did, more Super Hornets!