John Newman
The Bunker Group
I think its way way to early to be thinking about 6th gen aircraft for the RAAF, its still 6-8 years away before the first Sqn of 5th gen F35's get to IOC!Keeping the super hornets could prove beneficial to Australia in the long term.
The only other air force in the world that will operate a mix of F-35s, Rhinos and Growlers will be the USN.
The USN of course isn't planning to replace its Super Hornets with the F-35 but rather with a 6th generation F-xx.
This could put the RAAF in a position to move into 6th generation aircraft technology far more quickly then would be the case if we buy an all F-35 force.
Yes sure there are still questions around if we are we going to get the full compliment of 100 F35's or a mix of F35's and Super Hornets.
And I'm sure there are also questions around the USN having its own unique 6th gen aircraft program too.
I think gone are the days where each of the services in the US, Navy, Airforce and Marines could have their own unique figher or attack aircraft programe.
From what I've read the oldest of the USN Super Hornets will need to be replaced starting in the 2030s, ours will probably be closer to 2040, if kept in service that long and not replaced by the 4th sqn of F35's.
And of course the F35's not going to be replaced until closer to 2050.
So I don't necessarily see how having a "mixed-fleet" is going to get us to 6th gen a lot earlier than we may eventually will, assuming there is a 6th gen aircraft available!
And the other point is, I don't really think the RAAF would want to continue to be in a situation of having a mixed fleet, as it is going to face with operating both the F35 and Super Hornets for whatever period of time the Supers stay in service.
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