I agree with you entirely. My comment was aimed more at the dismissal of range, payload and speed as relevant issues in assessing in aircraft on another thread, and the tendency of some to see the electronics and weapons systems as the only thing worth considering, while ignoring the less glamorous but equally important logistical issues that have always and will always be important.
With regards to range and payload, if you aren't taking the weapons the aircraft will employ into account then you aren't being honest. Weapons are more accurate, have longer range and are more reliable than in the past, modern weapons essentially take some of the performance burden off the aircraft.
Its easy to just take some numbers and try to compare them broadly against various aircraft, it will not give you an accurate picture though. By looking at only the aircraft you're looking at half the equation.
We know so much about how aircraft perform in combat these days that we know roughly what performance margins a modern airframe needs to meet and which characteristics are most important. Its not merely about being the fastest or flying the highest, its not about looking pretty but doing what needs to be done.
I'm not sure what logistical issues you think people are ignoring, perhaps fuel prices? Fuel is going to go up in price no matter which aircraft you operate, what exactly do you expect people to say?
Versatility does not equal effectiveness. Surely you can see why a submarine is not as flexible as other naval platforms, its capabilities are largely locked in place when it is launched where as other platforms can take on various weapon systems, uavs, helicopters when needed.
Everyone here would understand just how important submarines are and how effective they are at their intended purpose. That doesn't make them versatile though.
Finally, I'm not quite sure what questions you think people have avoided answering. Virtually all of your questions that I have seen were answered earlier in their relevant threads, sometimes in the exact same thread you posted. Some of the post you quote being so old the answers to your questions are right in front of your questions, you just seem to ignore them because you want to make a point. The problems facing the Australian shipbuilding industry, for instance, have been discussed at length in the RAN thread.
Its no ones job here to continually go back through old posts to answer your questions every time someone new rocks up, if you want those answers they're there for you to find yourself.