That is not entirely true.Aussie Digger said:Platform costs only equate to about 70% of the overall costs of an aircraft. The other 30% is the support, maintenance and training costs that come with such a platform.
The 30% represents the average cost percentage of all the countries opporating that aircraft. The countries operating a handful of aircraft would see it go above 50%.
In Australias case our small purchase will not change the aircraft price at all. So the aircraft cost will stay the same regardless if we buy 20 or 100 aircraft. So 50 aircraft cost 5 billion or 100 aircraft cost 10 billion.
However the support cost as i mentioned before does not change at the same rate. 100 aircraft will cost 5 billion to support. 50 aircraft will cost 4 billion to support. Percentage wise the support costs would equate to 45% of the Platform cost if only 50 aircraft are ordered. But if the full 100 aircraft are ordered the support cost is only be 33% of the total platform cost.
Those numbers were just made up to get my point across to show that in our case the percentage of cost for Support increases if less aircraft are bought.