Aussie Digger Response
Aussie Digger, thanks for this. From my read, you are quite right when it comes to the 'total program budget' as shown in the 'total program budget' column of the SAR tables.Aussie Digger said:This paragraph is pertintent from this report: "The total program cost estimates provided in the SAR include research and development, procurement, military construction, and acquisition-related operation and maintenance".
However, in the report (text) part of the SAR, they say that the budget for "4 (F-22) aircraft from 172 to 176 (+$506.6 million)". This equates to US$126m per aircraft and is from the procurement budget. After all, the F-22 aircraft is now in full rate production.
As for the JSF figures, the table in the GAO report aligns with what is listed in the US DoD Procurement Budget reports (not R&D Budget Reports). So, these costs are based on Procurement Budget figures.
I respectfully suggest you will find these are procurement cost figures, not, as you say, "ENTIRE project cost" figures.
From my read of the relevant US Law, you are quite right in this regard. This goes to the exchange with Magoo on the 'USAF Plans to sell F22's to "trusted allies"' thread. It also puts in some doubt what Dr Stephen Gumley had to say at the hearing when asked about the cost of the F-22 and he stated the "range is anything of the order of $US105 million to $US115 million per copy" but went on to say "We have not had the discussion yet but there is always the question of: do we have to pay our share of the past research and development and bringing it into manufacture? What is our share of the amortisation?".FMS sales are NOT charged development costs. They charge only what the individual platform and maintenance, support and training charges cost.
I would have thought that Dr Gumley, being the CEO of the DMO, would have known what you and I obviously know and anyone can find on the www. Maybe not.
Maybe because it is beginning to look a hell of a lot more plausible than what Defence (and others) have been saying. After all, this information is coming from reports to the US Congress and it would be mighty surprising if the US DoD were to be misleading the US Congress.WHY do people continue to believe this rubbish?
Though I can not disagree with your sentiments about some in our 'journalistic profession', are you saying that Defence still expects to pay the US$45m that they have been telling people when asked how much the JSF will cost?And un-informed rag that sensationalises EVERYTHING and demonstrates on a regular basis it's almost complete lack of knowledge on ANYTHING defence related, when the very well informed customer has already testified to a Parliamentary enquiry (only a matter of weeks ago) as to what it expects to pay for this platform, based on it's discussions with the US Government and the manufacturer???
On the point of 'the very well informed customer', I suppose time will tell, though it is not looking good. Wouldn't suggest putting any money down on this being the case. This looks to be a fairly risky bet, at the moment.