I have another question, again it might be stupid because I know nothing about warship.
Do submarines engage each other like fighter (BVR) Do submarine just get a lock on another submarine and fire the torpedo and forget.
Submarine combat can take place over many minutes or hours, not seconds like a fighter aircraft.
Typically, a sub will get a contact on passive sonar. Once identified as something that needs to die, a torpedo or two will be launched. It is usually on a slow speed to reduce the chance of counter detection. The weapon is guided by wire and does not yet have active sonar engaged, the weapons operator guides it based on the submarines sonar set.
Once it appears the target has detected the torpedo, usually by rapidly increasing speed and a turn, the torpedo is switched to high speed. It may still be wire guided at this point and the operator may activate the torpedo sonar or not. He can guide the torpedo to the target or eventually cut the wire and allow the torpedo to become autonomous, a fully automatic weapon. At this point the torpedo WILL have an active sonar and will home onto the target it sees. If it looses the target, it will circle in a prearranged direction to try and reaquire the target. It will do this until it runs out of fuel or hits something.
This is why remaining undetected is so important. It is very difficult to avoid a torpedo with an operator on the end of the wire. You have manuevers that can put a false echo into the water (Called a "knuckle"), you can launch decoys, you can drop below or above thermal layers to try and confuse sonar, you can fire a torpedo back along the incoming torpedos track to try and scare the shooter into cutting the wire and evading your shot. However, if he can hear you, he can shoot you. Once detected, you are at the disadvantage because once you start moving quickly, your sonar is degraded and he can hear you even better and so can his torpedo.
Helicopters and aircraft cannot guide their torpedos. The danger is that they can be right on top of you and you will not know until the torp is dropped into the water. helicopters and sub hunting aircraft typically will drop sonar bouys into your projected path to find you before launch, but a MAD (Magnetic anomaly) detector cannot be heard and the drop can come out of nowhere.
Now, having said all this, I need to point out that I am not a sub driver. I did, however, stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.