Pretty nice capability to have whilst trying to get a beachhead established. Whilst the day of contested landings SPR style are pretty much dead, to have a 2 or 3 flights of Apaches on call for the following weeks backed up with ~ 1 Sqdn of F35B and that seems pretty decent.
The Junglie component - whilst not being as glamorous as Apaches of F35B - are really the key to any RN amphibious capacity (with Chinooks) and shouldn't be forgotten whilst playing their part in the logistics chain. Deploying L118 light guns for 3 Commando Brigade is pretty cool too
Although when you really think about it, we won't be able to accomodate every helo type we wish on a CVF at any one time in any meaningful numbers. F35B, AEW Merlin, ASW Merlin, Junglie Merlin, Apache, Chinook which - to me - suggests that an Ocean replacement would be a good idea, It'd be able to provide 3 flat tops in rotation and would allow the other CVF or LPH(R) to be able to sustain the extra rotary component that 1 may not be able to cope alone.
I know I know, some hope. But considering what Ocean cost (looking at Wiki it's supposedly ~£230mn in todays money) and how long she's been in service if she lasts to 2022 that's something like 24 years? Roughly equivalent to the projected life of Astute class SSNs? To me that seems like a massive bargain which could - and should - be replicated post 2015 to provide a pretty handsome increase in UK capability. Supposedly Ocean can carry ~800 Royal Marines, that's nothing like any projected figures for the CVF I've seen, i've read numbers around 1800 berths on CVF maximum and with a full airgroup compliment about 1450 will be occupied.
Chances are if the situation comes around the CVF will lilypad Merlins onto LPDs and then onto shore but even then that's still a mighty drop in rapidly deployable troop numbers though isn't it? Factor in that Ocean can carry 4 LCVP which apparently corresponds to 1 RM company per landing of all craft in one go.
In a completely perfect world, i've have LOVED a 3rd CVF but I know i'm in fantasy land on this one