Ok, first things first, terminology. A boat is a small craft that is either carried aboard a ship as a life boat or a runabout etc., a pleasure craft, a work boat such as a tugboat. It definitely isn't a warship or sea going merchant ship. Submarines are also called boats. Some of us on here are ex navy so we take these things seriously, but it always helps to get the terminology correct so that there are no misunderstandings.Taking a cursory look around, the ship building pace is amazing. I'm sure it has been covered but how is/does PLAN addresses manning these boats? I'm not suggesting they have not figured it out, just wondering about their training.
Impressive rate of construction for sure.Another type 075 has been completed, the third. The pace of construction is amazing. Speculation is eight with be built and a larger type 076 may be developed.
China’s 3rd Type 075 LHD Anhui 安徽 Commissioned With PLAN - Naval News
China's third Type 075 Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) (NATO reporting name: Yushen-class LHA) was commissioned this week (likely today) with the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN or Chinese Navy)'s East Sea Fleet. The vessel is named after Anhui (安徽), an eastern Chinese province known for its...www.navalnews.com
I do wonder if curretn the economic situation will bite and how that may impact the miliatry budget. There are certainly issues there and it is having an impact on the domestic economy with some provinces in a bit of trouble due to a combination of issues. Depending on which pundit you look at some suggest contraction of the economy.Impressive rate of construction for sure.
Will be interesting what follows the Type 075.
Type 076?????, how many?
What is their design and construction time table.
Three commissioned LHD's in 2022 is quite a force.
What will they be used for???
Cheers S
Ones economy does come into play!I do wonder if curretn the economic situation will bite and how that may impact the miliatry budget. There are certainly issues there and it is having an impact on the domestic economy with some provinces in a bit of trouble due to a combination of issues. Depending on which pundit you look at some suggest contraction of the economy.
It is difficult to judge noting the paucity of accurate (publically available) information but if there is low (or negative) growth it cvould be suggested that my necessitate a review of spending in all areas.
In saying this some pundits have been predicting an economic collapse but it certainly has not happened yet.
And @alexsaOnes economy does come into play!
The balancing act of domestic satisfaction and stability versus defence growth to attain stated global aspirations is a big unknown.
I'm no pundit of any expertise in this area; just an observer concerned with the rate of change with these uncertain dynamics accompanied with hostile words
Re the LHD's ,
I'd suspect additional numbers will be procured.
Type 075 , 076 or something else I cannot say. But like the RAN has found, an LHD is a very flexible and useful ship across many layers, so I'd doubt the PLAN will stop at three.
Somehow I think they will find the money to grow the fleet.
Cheers S
Given the discontent Xi’s COVID measures have created along with the loss of economic output, more resources will likely be required for internal security which might reduce funding for military kit. Good outcome for the Asia-Pacific region but not so good for Chinese citizens.And @alexsa
Whilst the economy is always a factor, the CCP thinks and acts differently to many other governments. Hence if it determines that the PLA is a necessity to advance the CCP's agenda and ensure that the CCP remains in power, it will fund it accordingly at the expense of other government budgets except internal security, which has a higher budget than defence. That in itself should tell you where the CCP's priorities lie.
I don't disagree at all ..... my comment looks at the current fleet/army/airforce building and the ability of China to sustain this rate of growth (or even support the current assets) over the longer term. The demand to support internal security is certainlt a factor in this as you note and their pot of money is not infinate (well I hope not) noting they rely on imports for many critical items and materials.And @alexsa
Whilst the economy is always a factor, the CCP thinks and acts differently to many other governments. Hence if it determines that the PLA is a necessity to advance the CCP's agenda and ensure that the CCP remains in power, it will fund it accordingly at the expense of other government budgets except internal security, which has a higher budget than defence. That in itself should tell you where the CCP's priorities lie.
The CCP’s massive internal security apparatus makes it extremely difficult to determine what the level of discontent is but between the populace and Xi’s political opponents but it is significant. Likely not significant to counter the CCP internal security operation IMHO.I don't disagree at all ..... my comment looks at the current fleet/army/airforce building and the ability of China to sustain this rate of growth (or even support the current assets) over the longer term. The demand to support internal security is certainlt a factor in this as you note and their pot of money is not infinate (well I hope not) noting they rely on imports for many critical items and materials.
It reminds me of Hitler and his cohort in the late 30's ...... they were spending big but this was not sustainable in the long run. I am not saying the example is directly applicable but financial pressures make have an impact on the current expansion and what China do.
Anyway .............. just postualting
The united nations has not been able to come to some guidelines on the use of artificial intelligence in machines to engage in warfare ,how this submarine distinguishes from armed combatants and civilians is another questionSome information on a Chinese XLUUV which apparently has 4 torpedo tubes, a feature not yet seen in Western models….yet.
China Reveals New Heavily Armed Extra-Large Uncrewed Submarine - Naval News
New evidence points to China's XLUUV (extra-large uncrewed underwater vehicles) being armed with torpedoes. This is a significant leap in this space and, together with a large-scale development program, may be out-pacing the West.www.navalnews.com