The issue of Chinas capacity to strike has been discussed at various PACRIM military conferences since the first I attended in Hawai'i 2004 - and basically becomes a major duscussion point every year since 2004
Nobody is going to place forces inside the chinese umbrella, That means delamination of red team as much as poss.
China is a land based power, ie she cannot effectively project and/or protect extended forces without the protection of her land based air - despite all the fuss and bluster about what people want her to be able to do in canned scenarios, until 2020-2030 she is highly dependant on having her fleets protected by land based air - and hence also why the response in the region by all of SEA and EA is to buy modern subs - In fact sub purchases in the PACRIM is the fastest growing anywhere,
Blind freddy says that you aren't going to play to your opponents advantages - and that means neutralizing the red team well before you bring your forces to bear and within range of reds abilities and strengths
They can move major air elements to over 1500 airfields capable of taking those assets. In a lot of cases they are dry bases - but they don't need to be able to do anything but get the air up once and on its way. Both Japan and the USAF know that, so for the USAF to be on its way in time to provide support for whichever force needs it is a big ask - so countering chinese saturation has to be done before anyone launches anything
There seems to be this concept that china vs japan/USN can be debated much like a game of counterstrike/chess etc..... that's far from the reality.
The purchasing and intended purchasing behaviour of the regional neighbours since 2004 is a fairly good indicator of how other countries want to counter chinas growing force development. Even Janes have been able to get their analysis right as the trends are blatantly obvious.
Nobody is going to be fighting to chinas strengths - so the counterstrike type scenarios (traditional thinking if you like) were divorced as good ideas almost 10 years ago.
Look at curr weapons developments. More importantly, start drawing range rings around chinas principle weapons systems and think about what "you" would do to break those range rings