Philippine Air Force Discussions and Updates


The Bunker Group

After decades without proper fast Jet in inventory Philippines Air Forces seems confident enough to send one flight of its FA-50 to joint Pitch Black 2024 in Darwin. Eventough it is already few years PAF has FA-50, send them overseas, for quite a distance shown confidence of PAF logistical management and pilots trainings.
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The Bunker Group

Max say in his X that another source in Philippines Defense circle, info him of potential F-16 Blk 70 (V) deal. Like I said before, eventough he say this is just one source thus not confirm yet, his pages got bias on F-16 then Gripen.

Pinoy procurement process can be more political toxic then Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia. All four ASEAN members above has defense procurement that heavily influenced by domestic "interest" factions politics. However Pinoy can be bit more then the other three. Thus just hope this is not some effort to torpedoes Gripen (that seems more secure). Which in the end can push further back their MRCA ambition.

Previously Chinese media "taunting" Philippines F-16 interest as US Tightening the grip on Philippines politics. Not saying that's true, but potentially US intensifies lobby also can't be rules out as part effort to torpedoes Swedish Gripen lobby.
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Well-Known Member
To be fair, the money (USD$500 million per year, from 2024 - 2029) is being prepared under the Philippines Enhanced Resilience Act of 2024 (PERA), so there is "hypothetical" money on the table. If it is 40 x F16V, even that is not enough.

However, that bill was only introduced in April 2024, and has neither passed the Senate or the House (see below), hence hypothetical/paper money.

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The Bunker Group

In Theory Philippines prepare USD 35bio for next 10 years for defense procurement. However yes it is still in theory money as Marcos need more political support for this. Besides it is aim more then his term that constitutionally only last four years from now.

The offer previously of 12 F-16V or 14 Gripen E/F seems so far reflect the availability of budget. Thus this talk of 40 F-16 that Max speculate in his X stretch budget availability. Remember asside MRCA, Pinoy also try to get second LCA (FA-50) sq. So if US lobby manage to get F-16V, it is going to be in the cost of Gripen E/F.

Unless Philippines politics manage to agree on the plan of USD 35 bio as Marcos Jr plan. However as now he is already have fracture political relationship with Duterte camp, just don't see they can get more money then already set asside. Unless Marcos somehow manage to gain more political allies.


Well-Known Member
The USD $500 million per year is US FMF, and that will limit purchase from US suppliers. Their original F-16V budget was USD 1.18 billion, which even back in 2018/19, can only buy a half a squadron. This FMF fund will allow them to cover the gap.

However, 40 units is very unlikely; US acquisition requires them to buy equipment with all the ILS/spares, which adds a lot of overheads. Second, it seems unlikely they will burn all their FMF on just one big platform acquisition program. They are interested in HIMARS, and probably to refurbished any EDA assets the US will give (e.g Island class cutter, C130s)

The Gripen deal will have to come from their own defense budget.


The Bunker Group

SAAB come big in this year ADAS and bring E/F display. This photo has been circulating on Philippines forums by Pinoy Defense enthusiasts. SAAB clearly offer this as competition toward LM F-16V and KAI already come to join the competition with KF-21. South Korea shown their defense co-op chances increasing in Philippines compare to other market in ASEAN.

However personaly I still see the best chances of KAI is with 2nd Batch of FA-50. Pinoy forums seems diging up more rumours of FA-50 will be part of 40 new Fighters that's being plan. The number that circulating shown on 16.

This whether Gripen E/F or F-16V is going to fight for 24 slots from that 40 fighters plan. Not bad number of Marcos administration able to push the plan.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
Basco Airport, Batanes, 1 Nov 2024

Hopefully there is not too much structural damage, it's a brandnew aircraft.
Here some more information.
Basco airport closed anew after Air Force plane skids off runway | Philippine News Agency

Indonesia sent a TNI-AD Mi-17V5 and a TNI-AU EC725 to the Philippines for humanitarian aid/disaster relief, hopefully these two will return unscratched.
2 Indonesian military choppers to aid PH disaster relief ops | Philippine News Agency

Storm Trami: Indonesia sends helicopters, troops to aid Philippines
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Well-Known Member
Embraer announced a new order for 6 x Super Tucanos from an undisclosed customer yesterday.

At the same time, the Philippines Air Force announced plans to acquire 6 x Super Tucanos yesterday. Specifically, the commander mentioned that the contract was signed on the 27th and the Notice to Proceed will be issued (today, e.g 30 Dec).

In Philippines procurement, the NTP is a firm legal contract to the supplier, so this is not another "aspirational" statement. I guess that undisclosed customer is PAF.


Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
Embraer announced a new order for 6 x Super Tucanos from an undisclosed customer yesterday.

At the same time, the Philippines Air Force announced plans to acquire 6 x Super Tucanos yesterday. Specifically, the commander mentioned that the contract was signed on the 27th and the Notice to Proceed will be issued (today, e.g 30 Dec).

In Philippines procurement, the NTP is a firm legal contract to the supplier, so this is not another "aspirational" statement. I guess that undisclosed customer is PAF.

So with the retirement of the Philippine Air Force OV-10, this is the end of OV-10's military service. The OV-10BZ from the Luftwaffe were undoubtedly the most unique OV-10 variant.

After only 5 years of service the AH-1s are taken out of service, were they even actively used? Well, it doesn't matter now, they now have the T-129.


The Bunker Group

According to this those FA-50 involve in anti insurgency operations in south. Bit questionable in my opinion as they have Super Tucano already. Unless their Super Tucano are not ready yet for night operation.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member

According to this those FA-50 involve in anti insurgency operations in south. Bit questionable in my opinion as they have Super Tucano already. Unless their Super Tucano are not ready yet for night operation.
That can be true, or it is a joint operation between FA-50 and EMB-314 squadrons.


Well-Known Member

According to this those FA-50 involve in anti insurgency operations in south. Bit questionable in my opinion as they have Super Tucano already. Unless their Super Tucano are not ready yet for night operation.
The Philippine Air Force claims that their Super Tucano is ready for day and night fighting ops. An alternative explanation is that PAF has too few Super Tucano that at the time of the operation there weren't enough available. With only six Super Tucano, it's not inconceivable that PAF was late in ordering some critical sparepart either due to budget issues or planning error and this resulted in reduced availability.


The Bunker Group
There's talk on Indonesian Enthusiasts forums and I also see couple AF guys talk on problem getting parts for Super Tucano. Embrear from what I heard demand all parts must come from them and not directly to suppliers OEM. In my opinion it should not be big problem as long as process of part procurement is efficient. However according to Indonesian forums, the sourcing of parts continue have delay problems. Which is why DI and TNI-AU talk with KAI on potential supply KA-1 (KT-1 version for Anti Insurgence). This due talks that TNI-AU has better experience for parts sourcing and maintenance with their KT-1 and KAI.

Now Embrear is already global manufactures, thus personally I'm bit sceptical on Embrear problems with sourcing parts ecosystem. However if Philippines also have similar part sourcing problems for their Super Tucano, then perhaps the rumours has some merits.
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Well-Known Member
Some new data has been revealed.

We have a general location. Mt. Kalatungan in Bukidnon province. This is in Southern Philippines. This suggests that the aircraft crashed into the mountain in the dark. The FA-50 is capable of night operations but we have to acknowledge that the risk in a night operation is simply higher than in daylight with good visibility.

The article also says that the army had requested close air support at that night. Again, nobody was forthcoming with details, but it suggests another explanation for why the FA-50 was sent. Speed. This was not an operation that was prepared days in advance where the CAS aircraft can take off hours before the strike and can time it so they arrive at the target site just in time to support the ground troops. Rather, this was a quick mission in response to an air support request by the army unit near Cabanglasan town near the mountain. As reaction time is important, it's likely that the FA-50 was sent due to its faster speed.


The Bunker Group
Max Defence talk that his sources in PAF suspect on either engine fire or electrical shut down or both. I know it is still very new as the plane just being recovered. However asside potential technical problem, the potential ground fire to the plane also in my opinion is potential.

Both pilot and weapon officer are not able or have time to eject. Either they don't realize flying too low or technical failure make instruments not giving them warning.

Philipine MinDef talk before in aiming 40 fighters to be acquired as target. Pinoy enthusiasts and media believe it will be combination of another sq of FA-50 and 2 Sq of Gripen. If that's can be achieve, then 2 Sq of MRCA and 2 Sq of LCA can be right direction to cover their need on domestic insurgency and border protection.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
There's talk on Indonesian Enthusiasts forums and I also see couple AF guys talk on problem getting parts for Super Tucano. Embrear from what I heard demand all parts must come from them and not directly to suppliers OEM. In my opinion it should not be big problem as long as process of part procurement is efficient. However according to Indonesian forums, the sourcing of parts continue have delay problems. Which is why DI and TNI-AU talk with KAI on potential supply KA-1 (KT-1 version for Anti Insurgence). This due talks that TNI-AU has better experience for parts sourcing and maintenance with their KT-1 and KAI.

Now Embrear is already global manufactures, thus personally I'm bit sceptical on Embrear problems with sourcing parts ecosystem. However if Philippines also have similar part sourcing problems for their Super Tucano, then perhaps the rumours has some merits.
It is maybe more cost efficient and convenient if Indonesia sells its EMB-314s to the Philippines, and then order the KAI KA-1 for SkU 21 as replacement.
Max Defence talk that his sources in PAF suspect on either engine fire or electrical shut down or both. I know it is still very new as the plane just being recovered. However asside potential technical problem, the potential ground fire to the plane also in my opinion is potential.

Both pilot and weapon officer are not able or have time to eject. Either they don't realize flying too low or technical failure make instruments not giving them warning.
Big chance that multiple factors combined caused the crash. Besides the standard navigation systems, the T-50 is equipped with a Honeywell H-764G embedded global positioning/inertial navigation system and HG9550 radar altimeter. In my opinion a defect on a single instrument could unlikely cause the crash. Did the flightcrew experience a temporary loss of consciousness due to the forces of gravity acting on the body during high-G maneuvers or maneuvers that involve rapid changes in acceleration? Like Tonnyc said the EMB-314 is more suitable for such low level-low speed operations.
Philipine MinDef talk before in aiming 40 fighters to be acquired as target. Pinoy enthusiasts and media believe it will be combination of another sq of FA-50 and 2 Sq of Gripen. If that's can be achieve, then 2 Sq of MRCA and 2 Sq of LCA can be right direction to cover their need on domestic insurgency and border protection.
Maybe a combination of 3 squadrons of FA-50/JAS 39 + 2 squadrons of EMB-314 is better.
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