Thats a new one..'class B runway platform with some LO features'.
Let me guess what the Class A runway capable platform would be, the F-22/YF-23?
"Thats a new one.." ?? Are you serious? Have you not looked at the design profile and intent of the Mig-29/3nn class/family? Guess what - it's been a soviet/russian design philosophy to operate out of less prepared and unprepared strips for years. That's what large undercarriages, large wheels and FOD ejectors are designed for....
So, I gather you're going to take my earlier commentary badly without actually understanding why it was said in the first place.
so before you decide to get all frothy and try to polarise the debate into some idiotic east vs west debate lests narrow it down quickly.
the russian undercarriage and FOD indicates a design imperative to operate out of less prepared strips - atypically these are referred to as Class B airstrips and runways because their final finish is rough.
Its a well known issue so I'm unsure as to why you are compelled to take the above barely controlled response.
So, to paraphrase your previous, "Let me guess" - you knew that the F-22 and YF-23 are obviously not designed for Class B runways?
IOW, the design as usual is based on russian design philosophy to operate out of less/well prepared locations - its a doctrine/CONOPS issue
The T-50 design has more practical operational design to it.
and if you'd read and understood my comments prev then you would have seen that it was the underlying foundation for my response. CREF all above
There will be very little changes from this T-50 prototype to the series prod.
It has been confirmed by Sukhoi.
so apart from the throw away commentary by all and sundry on the internet that the engines and cockpit could be revised (all non trivial tasks and all requiring major testing as if effects handling, sensor issues etc....) you're accepting that the platform will be visually unchanged? I'd suggest not - unless they've decided that this is an interim class (Chinese development philosophy). Sonehow I don't think this is an interim,
and what has that got to do with a deliberate design intent of large wheels, robust undercarriage and FOD ejectors? You think they will design them out and effectively have to redesign the plane again? Its not a trivial task. Feel free to point out any russian/soviet design that went from one class of carriage to another as part of design development.
No doubt it will be upgraded later on with new engines and canopy glass.
If we look at the YF-22 & YF-23 they was not like the prod series(F-22).
I think the YF-23 also would have been altered in some way if it had been selected in the tender.
And last the R&D/prod cost and service cost is nowhere near the lower budged of this T-50.
If one consider all this the T-50 design will quite a bird.
If one considers the reality of the design "quite a bird" means what? Lets turn off the fanboi aspirational views that permeate Youtube etc and try to keep it realistic debate.
I'm not interested in aspirational woulda coulda shoulda debates. I'm interested in the actual design features and their development potential.
ditto. I suggest that you pause before jumping and defending the platform and read what people are actually saying, not reacting badly because you have a soft spot for russian gear and have a need to defend it.
logic trumps emotion everytime.