As I said earlier, the only absolute TRUTH is that we don't know the truth.Al Qaeda has been acting as part of Pakistan’s tribal forces against India in Afghanistan. They also have not been very active in Pakistan. It is another case similar to ‘good Taliban’ that fight in Afghanistan that the Pakistani Army has avoided attacking, and ‘bad Taliban’ that fight against the Pakistani government.
OBL’s safety may have been part of the price for al Qaeda keeping quiet in Pakistan.
ISI has severed their connections to the ‘bad Taliban’ that attack Pakistani target. They seem more interested in restricting US attacks against the ‘good Taliban’ bases and training areas inside Pakistan. They also seem a lot more effective at hunting down and arresting moderate Taliban leaders that show any inclination for negotiating an end to the conflict if Pakistan does not have a seat at the table, and possibly a veto, than the hard core fight to the end types.
Baby sit OBL, no. But they probably did not pass on information about this location either. This may also be why they are so angry about the US intelligence operations inside Pakistan, the US found him and appeared to have to have good enough surveillance that they could not get him out in time, so they had to go along or have the truth come out. Al Qaeda is already threatening retaliation against Pakistan.
The other al Qaeda members arrested mostly fall into 3 groups, those who attacked Pakistani interests, low ranking members to make ISI look like it was doing something, and ones that the US had too well tracked to help escape.
Like any country and intelligence agency Pakistan and the ISI have their own agendas, which are different from the US agenda. Keeping the pot boiling in Afghanistan until it was recognized as part of Pakistan’s hinterland and strategic depth and that Indian influence had to be kept out is part of that difference. As I said previously, there was probably some kind of quid pro quo for allowing this operation to go forward at this time.
Those who claim ISI did pass information (which is likely, considering its highly improbable that an operation of this scale would take place without CONCRETE on the ground recon and intelligence MONTHS before and leading up to the execution) but there are those who say ISI did not pass on the information - both cannot prove for SURE that their claim is the TRUTH.
Lets get the terminology right as well, there are AFGHAN Taliban and then there are TTP goons. TTP did NOT exist before 2006, it came into existence as a threat after the drone attacks started and intensified after that. They adopted the name from Afghani taliban but their beliefs are more inline with the Takfiri ideology (look it up).
Next 3-18 weeks will be important for world security as Al-Qaeda will look to seek revenge but as many have raised the question before, first we need to see evidence that OBL is in fact dead and only his operatives can confirm that or pictures of the funeral and the body.