Rgr that mate. I remember the whitetail debacle (I seem to remember that the Govt of the day - National and John Key - didn’t want to fork out that sort of money - along with what you said about Qatar snatching them up).I believe there was an aspiration to get a couple of the whitetail C-17's, which would have filled the strategic airlift/oversized loads perfectly, but a combination of domestic politics and Qatar purchasing more aircraft than expected killed it.
C2 would be a useful, albeit unlikely option. Another would be the A330 MRTT. In service with 3 FVEY partners and Singapore, and able to carry passengers or pallets. In-flight refuelling would also be a useful contribution to allies, as well as extending the range of our own C-130J and P-8 aircraft.
Speculation aside however, the reality is that the GOTD wants a 737/A321 like for like replacement.
I agree with your points about the A330MRTT - it would give us a huge leap in capability across the board but they are $300mill a pop and therefore likely cost prohibitive. I think the A2A refuelling would be great for our P8’s and to actually give something back to Aussie mates but our new C130J’s don’t have A2A.
Any new airframe will have the usual associated costs (aircrew conversion / hangers / simulator…?)