The financial times have a story on how Australia has adapted to the Trade war with China.
Farmers and miners discover customers across globe after Beijing imposes steep tariffs
Commodities are very easy to adjust, coal, barley, really not a huge change. Iron ore famously went up in value and volume.
Lobsters, wine and table grapes have been more difficult. But because that market doesn't really exist outside of China. Farmers are already adapting, planting different crops. Fishermen, too are adapting, fishing for different produce or moving on so while a few harsh years are likely to be the result, its unlikely to burn a permanent hole in the economy. Wine is unlikely to invest in further expansion, there is currently a lot of wine hitting the market globally.
Barley was a classic example of ignoring a massive market to chase China. With hindsight, many were too fixed on China being the only market for products, ignoring more, possibly bigger markets.