Look no further for answers:It's not like the Ukraine or Russia had a very extensive program to help the North Koreans. More likely bread crumbs off a table via individuals.
NK are experts at getting stuff. They bought 87 MacDonald Douglas 500 helicopters from the US and armed them by deceiving the US and other countries. They captured an AN/FPS-117. Or a Chinese lumber truck converted to missile carrier. If north Korea could pull one over the US during the cold war, its entirely believable they could deceive Chinese/Russian/Ukrainian authorities.
Really the key technology transfer North Korea getting scud missiles. Which they got from Egypt, but could have gotten from almost a dozen countries through corruption, theft, abduction, black market, there is scud stuff all over the place etc. Most of the successful part of their missile program was based off upgrading scud missiles.
Arguably the most help they got was money, from Iran, but when they are both on the sanctions list, what else is going to happen? Arguably a better policy of dealing with Iran would have seen them not so engaged with North Korea. Easy to say with hindsight.
But Iran wasn't alone, UAE and others have purchased North Korean equipment. UAE was trying to lock in an exclusive deal to keep weapons from going to Iran and Houthi rebels. But $100 million in cash in 2015 would have gone a long way in North Korea.
Why Did the UAE Purchase Weapons From North Korea? | The Diplomat
North Korea is the very definition of rouge. It undermines everyone. Everyone has made bad choices with North Korea.
US targets Chinese, Russian entities funding North Korea's nukes - CNNPolitics
I suspected as much. Looks like the world of geo-politics is far more savage than people realise.