Lucasnz said:
I'd only partly agree with that, but add to that the reports prepared by the Ministry of Defence which didn't help the issue. The NZ Skyhawks launched warning shots against a FFV, Were on alert for East Timor and stood Air Defence readiness during APEC in 1999. The need could have been demonstrated.
But it wasnt, and thats the point.
You could have argued also, and I would have thought common sense sugested that an Island Nation can only be attacked from the sea, the first line of defence therefore is countering a threat at sea before the civilians take a hit. History shows that all threats that have eventuated against New Zealand have come from the sea (Mines, The sole Submarine launched Japanese Aircraft, Submarine Threats, Armed Merchant Crusiers and terrorists (Rainbow Warrior). Thats why I think the Peacenik agenda played an equal if not greater role.
And none of this was argued to the satisfaction of the government. It could also have been argued that the worlds supply of nuclear propelled and armed submarines could cruise around our ports and we would never know it because we lack a ASW capability, hence the need for the Orion ASW upgrade.
Granted ideological reasons do get in the way, but thats part of living in a democracy.
Hypothecial question I have is if a low level military maritime threat ocurred (Say one of two surface warships threatening shipping lanes or Tomohawk strike to acheive political objectives), would the Orions with Anti Ship Missiles be sufficent, given that the frigates are deployed overseas. Thoughts on this one please, as this type of threat is the more likley of the military threats facing NZ (if one ever happened).
Depends on the enemies self defence capability. If they are older ships or underarmed patrol frigate equivelents, like ours, we might get a chance
if we can find them. Remember you can get a maximum theoretical strike only if we assume all the Orions are airworthy. Personally, I dont think we could stop them, ships move and they have a huge ocean to play games in.