Well it is interesting reading all the views on the NZDF.
I think that having an armed force that is capable of defending NZ from direct invasion is not in our best interests for the simple reason that if an invasion was to happen it would mean Australia and the US had already been defeated….
I think the NZDF needs to be equipped to contribute to regional stability and the defence of Australia. It must also be able to contribute to global security and peace keeping in areas such as:
Maritime security
Anti Terrorist operations
I would like to sea the P-3s equipped with Anti shipping missiles and precision air to surface missiles for land strike. 12 or so jet trainers such as the Hawk for keeping RNZAF pilots at entry level for fast jets, but also to train with the Army and RNZN.
2 Mech/Motorised battalions (I can’t see 25mm LAVs as motorised, no matter how much I try), with a commando battalion (maybe two companies worth) for rapid reaction and raids. Maybe even 20-25 EFVs for heavy amphibious assault operations.
The SAS is good and is just the force to be deployed for the war on terror.
The navy needs third combatant and two ships that I would call littoral assault ships, capable of carrying 350 troops and their equipment over the beach. With 4-5 Global Hawks for recon and coms….
But that is just a wish list. We have to remember here that NZ is a country of 4 million with nor discernable direct threat to its security, even with a proportional armed force to Australia we are only talking 10,000 person armed force, which is not a number that allows for great deployment options. So from the wish list above I would say NZ NEEDS and can do the following:
1. Add a third surface combatant
2. Upgrade the Orions for Anti Surface/sub-surface warfare with a land precision strike capability
3. Create a commando force that sits between infantry and SAS of around 300 personnel.
4. Re-role the current Multi-role vessel being built as a disaster relief vessel that can back up the armed forces and buy a littoral assault ship.
My two cents anyway.
I think that having an armed force that is capable of defending NZ from direct invasion is not in our best interests for the simple reason that if an invasion was to happen it would mean Australia and the US had already been defeated….
I think the NZDF needs to be equipped to contribute to regional stability and the defence of Australia. It must also be able to contribute to global security and peace keeping in areas such as:
Maritime security
Anti Terrorist operations
I would like to sea the P-3s equipped with Anti shipping missiles and precision air to surface missiles for land strike. 12 or so jet trainers such as the Hawk for keeping RNZAF pilots at entry level for fast jets, but also to train with the Army and RNZN.
2 Mech/Motorised battalions (I can’t see 25mm LAVs as motorised, no matter how much I try), with a commando battalion (maybe two companies worth) for rapid reaction and raids. Maybe even 20-25 EFVs for heavy amphibious assault operations.
The SAS is good and is just the force to be deployed for the war on terror.
The navy needs third combatant and two ships that I would call littoral assault ships, capable of carrying 350 troops and their equipment over the beach. With 4-5 Global Hawks for recon and coms….
But that is just a wish list. We have to remember here that NZ is a country of 4 million with nor discernable direct threat to its security, even with a proportional armed force to Australia we are only talking 10,000 person armed force, which is not a number that allows for great deployment options. So from the wish list above I would say NZ NEEDS and can do the following:
1. Add a third surface combatant
2. Upgrade the Orions for Anti Surface/sub-surface warfare with a land precision strike capability
3. Create a commando force that sits between infantry and SAS of around 300 personnel.
4. Re-role the current Multi-role vessel being built as a disaster relief vessel that can back up the armed forces and buy a littoral assault ship.
My two cents anyway.