LOL. Since when??? Especially on a warship. You been on the wacky baccy or something Jack? You're very lucky to get 2 cm of individual space on a warship, let alone 2 m.Stay at sea and they have all the social distance they need.
LOL. Since when??? Especially on a warship. You been on the wacky baccy or something Jack? You're very lucky to get 2 cm of individual space on a warship, let alone 2 m.Stay at sea and they have all the social distance they need.
With many here in Canada working from home (i.e. video streaming Netflix and Prime) the internet is slowing. Real online work stuff like video conferencing is becoming difficult. On a positive note, greenhouse emissions from transportation will be down.
@t68 WATCH THE POLITICAL REMARKS. 2 NAUGHTY BOY POINTS FOR 1 MONTH.That will make the Greta happy, as a side note besides the covid-19 this is what the green ideology would look like to a degree if we stopped producing all those nasty atmosphere pollution food for thought when you vote for a green candidate
I can understand that. It's not so much of a problem here in NZ because we're becoming a cashless society. Everyone is paid electronically now, few people use cheques now because most payments are made electronically. I rarely carry cash, although I do have some in my go bag in case of natural disaster etc. Most of us use credit / debit cards a good 95% of the time.Never thought I would ever read about any business (especially small retailers) refusing cash. Wear gloves and throw the cash in the laundry machine at the end of the day! Don’t think this kind of money laundering is illegal.
Bank of Canada asks retailers to stop refusing cash payments over virus fears
Bank says restrictions on cash purchases could unfairly burden some
Electronic payment is also the norm here also. Last summer many businesses lost their network connections up north around Lake Simcoe for a few hours, couldn’t buy anything for miles around. With increased internet demand in poorly served regions it is not hard to imagine this occurrence repeating more often.I can understand that. It's not so much of a problem here in NZ because we're becoming a cashless society. Everyone is paid electronically now, few people use cheques now because most payments are made electronically. I rarely carry cash, although I do have some in my go bag in case of natural disaster etc. Most of us use credit / debit cards a good 95% of the time.
Of course we have some members of society who prefer cash because the authorities find it harder to track their activities so avoidance of banks and other financial institutions is a business requirement![]()
Well, the point I was trying to make is that a ship is more or less isolated when at sea. So as long as there is no virus on the ship, there is no reason that by isolating the ship you couldn't prevent it from boarding. Just stop transfers of personnel until this is over. The issue of course is the need for food and fuel to keep the ship going. But it would still be far easier to prevent this from getting on a warship than it is to prevent it from getting into a city.LOL. Since when??? Especially on a warship. You been on the wacky baccy or something Jack? You're very lucky to get 2 cm of individual space on a warship, let alone 2 m.
There is no point with any ship currently in port. This would only work with a ship that is already at sea.I guess the issue now is how do you deploy a ship currently in port? The crew would have to be isolated for 14 days somewhere (probably separately) then tested and if ok transported to the pre-decontaminated ship. Maybe 3-6 months later the come on home order will be given. Doesn’t sound like much fun.
An on going issue WRT to keyboards. Another concern has been hotel TV remote controller keypads. Not sure on the infection control procedures for these devices, re bacteria versus virus.Recently I had to raise with management who believed they had covered all the bases on the hygiene regime this on shared computer keyboards perhaps those of you in the same position may find this article of interest
Are There More Bacteria on Computer Keyboards Than Toilet Seats? - National Center for Health Research
We all try to keep our kitchens and bathrooms clean and bacteria-free. But how clean are our offices, computers, and keyboards? Most of us spend many hours every week typing at a computer, but rarely think to clean it. How dirty can our desks get?
On a cruise ship, unless strict infection control protocols are initiated and strictly adhered too, a virus such as COVID-19 is going to infect many onboard. Basing the figure of 17% just on trhe Diamond Princess is not a good analysis, because infection control is only as good as the people who are the lowest practitioners of it in any give environment. Are they a representative sample of that industry, or are they an aberration? As a data point we cannot use them to make any valid extrapolations from.Well, the point I was trying to make is that a ship is more or less isolated when at sea. So as long as there is no virus on the ship, there is no reason that by isolating the ship you couldn't prevent it from boarding. Just stop transfers of personnel until this is over. The issue of course is the need for food and fuel to keep the ship going. But it would still be far easier to prevent this from getting on a warship than it is to prevent it from getting into a city.
Once on board, you're F'd. Based on the Diamond Princess, 17% of people in any tightly closed group will get this disease.